well this is one of those Mastercard credit cards that are a debit too.................WOW! went into the attitude site little while ago and logged into my account a bit ago today, its showing 2 orders were placed within a few minutes of each otherlast night. So the site said I was declined last night, which I found odd cause we have plenty of money in that account, and now today its showing 2 orders were placed, my wife is bugging out about the 2 orders double charged on the card, thats realy messed up that Attitudes site did that. People keep trying multiple times making sure maybe you didnt enter the number wrong, etc, not knowing the whole time its going through while you're getting messages saying you are declined. Well I wrote some girl Jody from Attitude with the order number I wanted and the one that I want canceled. Lets see how they handle it. Our son is coming home from the military, I need that extra money for his ticket, I hope they dont charge it then hold it, that would be very bad if the funds get tied up, this is not a good start especialy already being paranoid ordering for the first time