Here are a few pics of my 6 bucketed P. Jems. They saw some bad weather but are doing fine.I may get a deminished yield but they will finish before the true planting season even starts here in the mid-west.
Thanks, I'm going to be starting a batch each time all plants are sexed from the previous batch.Females will be moved outdoors and planted in established sites.A few will be kept for breeding.I hope to be harvesting the 1st crop in mid July and then a harvest every 2-3 weeks there after.
A friend came through with some new genetics for me.My seed bank has grown to over 1000 seeds, 10 true breeding strains and 15 or so crosses in the mix.All have been kept in the fridge with water absorbing polymer in each package then placed in an airtight jar.
Eight male Jems have been clipped.Five females have been identified.Approximately five seedlings have yet to show sex.Weather for the next ten days looks very good.The females will be placed outside in the next few days.All seedlings received a 1/4 strength feeding of Tiger Bloom last night.
I've eliminated all the male Jems.I have a dozen decent females.2 seedlings are a few days behind and yet to sex.These seedlings are three weeks old and have woody stems already.
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