Photography Just Some Pics of My Past Auto Plants - Enjoy!

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lowryder 2's

my picks 004.jpgmy picks 005.jpgmy picks 003.jpglowryder 2's about 4-5 weeks of them has stretched picks 002.jpgother than that they are growing well. the one's that have stretched are 1.3m tall and the one that has stretched is 1.5m tall.all in 6L air pots with canna ferts 600w dual spectrum hps in cool tube in 1m x 1m x 2m tent temp 78-80. ph 5.8. 19/5 light schedule
great pics.... nice to see shit getting pushed longer, to beat the outdoor bs, that motly goes round
same plants but 8 days older

my picks 009.jpgmy picks 010.jpgmy picks 008.jpgmy picks 012.jpgthe same plants just 8 days older than the other pics i put up before. its the first time iv grown lowryder 2's and i must say they are bloody big let me tell you and they are full of bud sites and bushey they are about 6weeks can see yellowing on one of them at the bottom because i didn't transplant it fast enuff but its getting better now iv put it in a bigger pot
another 7 days have past

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same plants 7 more days and some pics of my next autos
all my pics

all my pics iv put on here before but got loads more to show you all soon as i can be
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chop day

my picks 005.jpgmy picks 010.jpgmy picks 004.jpgmy picks 008.jpgi chopt one of the lowryder 2's down today ill let you know wat the dry weight is prob about 1 -1my picks 006.jpg/3oz to 2oz....and some pics of my next autos ill put there names up wen i have a look cos they are all differnt. they range from 5days - 20days old
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dry weight

2 n half oz from one of the lowfyder 2's dry.....not to badmy picks 001.jpgif your wondering why the weed is in tubs like that its because the one on the right is for me 1 3/4oz the middl is half oz for my best m8 and the small one on the left is for my other smells Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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