Indoor Just got my first hydro grow on a roll.


Mar 16, 2012
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So, I've been bouncing around the site checkin out all the cool shit you guys have going on, and drooling over the dank ass buds you guys are spitting out. Got to be too much so I got a few bag seeds going. I was waiting to order some seeds from Dutch passion which I will do in the next week, but I figured I'd play around and at least get my setup dialed in with what I have on hand. Actually isn't going too bad. The plants are 2 weeks old. Left the seeds in a shotglass and they sank in 12 hours so I threw them into paper towel until they showed a taproot and then put them into soil where they stayed for the first week. I had a 50-50 mix of coir and cow manure compost. They lived, but really weren't going anywhere fast so I rinsed off the soil and transplanted them into the DWC buckets using General Hydroponics DuoFlora nutes. Man, they really took off. Anyways, I figured I'd share my little setup with everyone since you were the ones that gave me the inspiration to try. I know I need to lower the light, I just got done connecting the buckets together and adding a pump earlier and I haven't gotten around to it yet. They were on a tabel up close to the light before that.
Let me know what you think everyone. All comments/criticism/advice are appreciated, and welcome. Sorry in advance for not resizing the pics, I will next time for sure.




Nother picture of the Baby.

Profile of the larger one.

Three days after Transplanting to hydro.
Nice setup you have got there and your plants look nice and healthy too.
And welcome to AFN :D

Stunted Buckets
Pretty nice power trio ya go there. Looking good so far, good thing you got em in there quick like.
Thanks KUDO. I'll do an update once a week probably. Just ordered some auto seeds from Attitude.
Haha, yeah Squid. You should have seen me trying to connect them all together and put the pump in. It was like a pond out in the shed. I syphoned off the water before I started, but there was just enough in the bottom of the buckets to make a proper mess. I was so frustrated, it was pitiful. I had them as just single buckets but I didn't want to have to drain, and refill 3 buckets. I plan on adding 6-7 more buckets so I figured I'd just go for it, lol.
Thanks for the comments Everybody.
Hey Tavid- looks like you are planning to do well ! May I ask what light you will use? All the best man, looking forward to seeing you in action !
Thanks Tony. I'm going to use a MH for the first few weeks, a mix of MH and HPS after that and maybe just hps toward the end. This is my first grow, so I'll be asking a lot of questions about light and things of that sort but so far that's all I have worked out. I wish I could afford a good LED panel right now, but they're up there in price. I'm open to suggestions. I just ordered a Think Different 3 pack, so I've got some time to figure out exactly what I'm going to do. Not planning on breaking any records, just trying to ditch the dealer.
your plants look to be at the same stage as my 3 TD in oxypots (first time attempting DWC). Sadly ive already singed a cpl slightly, im guessing thru nuteburn/overfeeding, tad annoying as ive kept a close eye on my buckets and EC has been in the 0.4-0.8 range the whole time with pHs from 5.1-6 at the highest... so not too excessive. Plus am only feeding 1/2 strength canna start and rhizotonic with formulex added in a cpl days back when i changed out the nutes in an attempt to address the burn. one got stunted for a few days and is growing again the other 2 just have the slightest bits of burn to their leaftips so i think i caught them in time as it doesnt sem to be spreading further. Keep a close eye on your buckets bro! Dont singe your ladies! If you havent already got a decent digital EC/pH meter then id advise you invest asap so you dont hit the same stumbling block as I did :)
Hi, I'm a newb at growing and currently have 3 in DWC also. Like your set up, wish I had the space to run like yours. Here a pic of my ladies a Papaya and 8 Ball Kush are 53 days old, I have the bag seed Mexican that are 59 days old all are flowering now about three weeks in for the bag seed, the Papaya and the 8 Ball just preflowered last monday. Babies Two K 011.jpg