I know we always push the practice to not over water our small seedlings because of fear of stem rot or damping off and also root rot the first two weeks or so.This may be some what true but it can also cause other problems when the seedlings are in there first stage of growth and they don't get enough water.I see this a lot with the new growers who are so scared to over water that they also may be stressing or stunting the seedlings because the new roots are not finding enough water when they need it the most.For example I have three girls that are only 8 days old in 3.5 gal air pots that are 12 inches high and there are roots already coming out the bottom of the pot andthis shows you just how fast our girls grow.So just a reminder to go easy on the water for the first two or three days and after that make sure you water so your entire pot is moist so the roots have the necessary moisture when they are the most active.