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I'm betting we'd end up in the tank for sure :thumbsup:....I'm ok with that usually all the boring stories end with....and then I made it home safely :toke:
I think, we would get along in real life. :pass:
Or end up in the drunk/asshole tank for a night :crying:
Ohh dear, I went looking for something to add to the conversation and man is there some crazy stuff on YouTube ....don't think I can share my findings :crying:

Funny how many things are on YouTube, or in my case, Giphy, that can't be shared.
Funny how many things are on YouTube, or in my case, Giphy, that can't be shared.
Yeahhh.... I’d get a perma-ban if I posted the gifs and vids that make me laugh...
Yeahhh.... I’d get a perma-ban if I posted the gifs and vids that make me laugh...

I think we're typing in the wrong word's to find a video that can share :rofl:..

I think we are all on the same page, but I realize it is a public forum and people surf at work.

Now, if we had a NSFW section :eyebrows:
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