:clap: Juliet! They are looking :beast: very lovely specimens you got there! Look how chunky my mutated thunder became.... Can only imagine what these will do! Rock it Juliet! Make your Romeo proud
:stylez rasta smoke:
Thanks Jooools!! 2 little :foxy:'s it is.... They look nice and stout too! A good thing they took their time sexin' up, 'cause now you have a good frame to build on... Awww, did the really fat-fingered one from pic #4 (previous) flop a cain-peirse oot at yeh? Aucchhh! sayh et issnae sew... :roflcry:
"Ha ha ha ha ha.."DAB's, where TF do you find these pics, you creepazoid?! :roflcry: ...comedy!!
Def don't be bummed because it could also just be a calyx forming... You know those little foolers that get most growers panicking the first time they got a hermi.., give her another week and see.... If it developed full on sac kill it...
Really sending you a big :karma Cloud: it all works out ok and she doesn't turn out to be "Lola....Girls will be boys and boys will be girls"
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