Seed Stockers JSH1973 Seedstockers 4/20 Solo Cup Challenge 2021 - Gelato 41 Auto

Competition girl is now starting to show a little bulk so hopefully she'll take off now, the other one is 36cm and seems to like life a lot :weed:

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Plenty of budsite on show on your entry plant mate. Now we just need her to pack on that weight :pass:

Love the watering/dropper system, very cool :thumbsup:

Until next time :bighug:

Kind regards :bong:

I just realised that I have been feeding my two solo cups at 0.4 EC mix of tap water & canna start only for close to a week, if not a week, bucket was the leftover mix from starting the 3 new pots and I forgot to add nutes before using it up... ARGH, Second big nute mistake in a week... LOL
Then I also chopped most of the roots hanging out of the cup on the competition girl to keep her rule compliant, she looks better than last night though so fingers crossed I haven't stunted it to badly on top of all the LST and tight trimming.

Air-solo is looking awesome! Is that one your competition plant or the one with the lincoln log tie down setup?
No that one isn't, the air cup is the support/runner plant (air cup is on the doping list as performance enhancing and is still in prototype stage LOL)
I'm constantly forgetting about my own bloody thread
I gave my two girls a final *hurry up, finish up* type of trim today

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i think you have done brilliantly with these bros also the other week I fed all my seedlings with flower feed I find this happens when you have plants at different ages also how long do you think you have got left
i think you have done brilliantly with these bros also the other week I fed all my seedlings with flower feed I find this happens when you have plants at different ages also how long do you think you have got left
Thanks a million for the kinds words
I'm kinda left in a position where my mistakes feels like I didn't make the proper effort the competition deserved but I have extra seeds to make up for it later.... Hopefully ☺️
I would imagine a week or max two left in them now, I'm just hoping for smell and trichomes now here at the very last leg because there really isn't much
It's been mega fun and challenging and most certainly not my last solo cup competition