New Grower JS550Fan's Living Organic Soil mix

I've recently looked at some of my plants' soil under the scope and noticed something interesting: there seems to be a lot of bacteria and hardly any nematodes. Perhaps the same number of protozoa. This is comparing to the bulk of my soil mix which is still cooking outside.

So it seems that either the plant, the conditions, or something I've added to the soil (or any combination of those factors) has affected the microbiome here in my tent.
bacterial feeding nematodes will grow in response to the bacteria. How did you use the scope? If you make a slurry across a slide you will typically see 2-5 nematodes, however if you add water or try to look at a tea then it's unlikely you'll see any nematodes or if you do it won't be very many. This is quite common.
Very pertinent question! I make a slurry with soil and the same mix of water with molasses that I often water with. I deposit a sample onto a slide for view. I then like to check back again in 24 hours or so.

Out of a good drop, I'll often find 5-10 nematodes in a slurry made from from my soil mix cooking outdoors. From my indoor plants, 0-3 so far. But they do seem to multiply once sitting in the petri dish for a while.

Thanks for the response!
The plants in the straight Coast Of Maine Stonington Blend and my own blend are both doing fantastic in my tent. Both plants have bee keeping a pace of 2" of growth a day for almost a week now, with no signs of deficiency.

Purple Kush CBD in COM-Stonington:

This plant has already surpassed the first PK I'm growing. This new plant is at day 23 and appears to be flowering already.
NY Diesel Auto in my blend:

This plant is now the same height as the two older photo period plants I have in my tent now (Sky Dweller and Snake Oil). Just explosive growth.

Both plants are being watered with my tap water, with every other watering inclusive of fish hydrolysate and/or molasses.

I'm super stoked at how this is turning out. Just simple care and great performing plants.