New Grower JS550Fan's Living Organic Soil mix

May 5, 2019
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Hi! I'm finishing up my first indoor grow (thread here) - and I'm looking to use an organic super soil on my next grow. I began assembling my amendments and here's what I've got:

  • Coast Of Maine Platinum Grower's Mix 3cu'
  • Worm Castings
  • Coast Of Maine Lobster Compost
  • Kelp Meal 1.5 cup
  • Neem Meal 1c
  • Bone Meal 1c
  • Alfalfa Meal 1c
  • Crab and Lobster Shell Plant Food 1c
  • Crushed Oyster Shells 1c
  • Azomite 1c
  • Dolomite Lime 1c
  • Rock Phosphate 1c
  • Perlite (a bunch but I think I need more)

I only began my compost pile a few weeks ago, and I'm working on my worm bin - so for now I am stuck using bagged stuff. But next time I'll be able to amend the soil (or top-dress) with my own castings and compost. Looking forward to that!

Based on the advice to keep things simple... I may have more here than I need already. I think I may want to add Gypsum, but not sure if I need to at this point. Is there anything I'm forgetting? Should I add more of any of these ingredients?

I did add some perlite, but I am sure I'll need to add more when potting it up. I know the mix needs a decent amount so it can breathe while cooking - but would I be better off just adding it now?

Will letting it cook for about 3 weeks be adequate?

Thank you! I'll tag some people below. I hope I don't annoy anybody with the tagging! I really appreciate the vast knowledge of the members here. I've learned so much from this forum.


@Eyes on Fire, @Roasty McToasty, @DTOM420, @Frenjamin Banklin, @Beerhunter CDN, @MrOldBoy, @Waira
I can't comment of most of the stuff you are using . but this stuff
  • Crushed Oyster Shells 1c
  • Azomite 1c
  • Dolomite Lime 1c
  • Rock Phosphate 1c Take time to break down and work , 3 weeks is a very short time frame . my soils are never younger than 3 months , you have to make time for the microbes to start doing there job too . :thumbsup:
Thank you - very helpful! I'll try not to push it with the time frame on this. It won't be ready for the next autos I have on deck in any case, so I am looking at probably another 2 months or more. That should work OK, it seems.
Hi! I'm finishing up my first indoor grow (thread here) - and I'm looking to use an organic super soil on my next grow. I began assembling my amendments and here's what I've got:

  • Coast Of Maine Platinum Grower's Mix 3cu'
  • Worm Castings
  • Coast Of Maine Lobster Compost
  • Kelp Meal 1.5 cup
  • Neem Meal 1c
  • Bone Meal 1c
  • Alfalfa Meal 1c
  • Crab and Lobster Shell Plant Food 1c
  • Crushed Oyster Shells 1c
  • Azomite 1c
  • Dolomite Lime 1c
  • Rock Phosphate 1c
  • Perlite (a bunch but I think I need more)

I only began my compost pile a few weeks ago, and I'm working on my worm bin - so for now I am stuck using bagged stuff. But next time I'll be able to amend the soil (or top-dress) with my own castings and compost. Looking forward to that!

Based on the advice to keep things simple... I may have more here than I need already. I think I may want to add Gypsum, but not sure if I need to at this point. Is there anything I'm forgetting? Should I add more of any of these ingredients?

I did add some perlite, but I am sure I'll need to add more when potting it up. I know the mix needs a decent amount so it can breathe while cooking - but would I be better off just adding it now?

Will letting it cook for about 3 weeks be adequate?

Thank you! I'll tag some people below. I hope I don't annoy anybody with the tagging! I really appreciate the vast knowledge of the members here. I've learned so much from this forum.

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@Eyes on Fire, @Roasty McToasty, @DTOM420, @Frenjamin Banklin, @Beerhunter CDN, @MrOldBoy, @Waira
Looks good, I'd of used pumice over perlite, no biggie though. I'd loose the bone meal, too much P will throw things out of balance and prevent myco activity. Malted barley ground fine, and karanja would be good additives.
I cook for at least 4 weeks but the longer the better.

I use gypsum, I think it's a faster form of cal. Not sure.
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I picked up some gypsum finally today and am adding it to the mix. It's just been cooking, and I water it occasionally with molasses water. Trying to keep it damp but not sopping wet.

When I do take a sample and look at it under the scope, I seeing a lot of activity. Bacteria, flagellates, energetic nematodes.

I'll probably try using the mix within the next month, and I'll update here with any results!

I'm other news, I started a couple autoflowers with straight Coast Of Maine Stonington Blend, so we'll see how that works on its own.
I added 1 cup of Gypsum to the mix. Also added 11 gallons of used and well rinsed soil from my first indoor grow. FFOF, FFHF, and Coco Loco. I used MegaCrop and Bud Explosion in that grow, so I tried to make sure it was well flushed.

Mixed everything up and divided it into two containers.
If you can get your hands on a soil test from Coast of Maine you could then dial in your amendments....just a thought. Are all those 1 c. amendments you list in your recipe per 3 cubic ft of soil?
Those amounts then are probably pretty safe to use. I typically won't use dolomite unless I have a known Mg deficiency from a soil test. Mg seems to show up just fine from other inputs in my experience. Soil test will be really useful in dialing the recipe in but I'm guessing you'll still be able to grow a decent plant without one. These plants are highly resilient and adaptable.
Thanks for the input. I'll try to update here with progress or results.