Jraven's New Soil. Time to dig in.


from Southeast Alaska
Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Harvest season variety
It's still mid winter here in Alaska, but it's a nice day and I'm thinking about my soil. I'm starting this thread to help me organize and focus on what's important, also to ask advice from anyone who's interested in stopping by. The stuff I've read in this forum since I joined a couple weeks ago has been pretty much a life changing experience.
I've been growing with natural materials for a long time but have never built a true living soil so now it's time. I'm about 3 months from planting anything hope that's enough.
I was just out taking stock of what is on hand:
Around 60 gallons/200 litres of base soil. This is mainly Promix BX. Its had different stuff added
over the years like worm castings guanos, a bit of sand, compost.
These products are on hand in the shed:
G&B Organics Harvest Supreme premium soil amendment.
Oakdell Egg Farms organic compost.
Carpinto Farms Steer Gro composted steer manure.
I'm on the beach in temperate rainforest. Other things available are seaweeds,especially Fucus, alder leaf litter, native soil which leans toward acidic but there is a huge newly blow-down ancient cedar which has nice looking soil in its roots.
What I don't see here is lime which I'll be needing. That and the rest of what I need will have to come by mail unless spring is early and we can drive to town.
Thanks for stopping in. I'm aiming at the "420 class soil #2 " ...I've ordered the rest of the ingredients. I'm planning to incorporate mychorrizae in there too. Maybe a little deer shit? :eyebrows:
I'm wondering if I'll need more perlite. My recycled soil is basically promix bx seems like there's a fair amount in there.
I live in a hot environment, and I use about 20 % Perlite. you could probably use less if you don't have problems with your soil drying out too fast.

My two, and let's see it work. Maybe you could list your recipe. We shall call it "Jraven's Supra Soil"

Heh heh

It'll probably be a unique mix lol. After all I have to include the local spirits in there.
I'm quivering with anticipation here waiting for my ingredients.
What up jraven
I also have ambitions to incorporate local products in my soil..... So far what I'm hoping to do is use as many local accumulator's, they are plants that have roots that go deep and bring minerals back up to the surface. Or something like that.

Alders, dandelions, horse tails, stinging nettles, seaweed will be composted together then mixed in my soil.

At least that's what i have been thinking of trying....
Oh and maybe some moose poo
Be carful with adding the kelp as it could put a lot of salt in your soil which would be bad. You could use wood ash if you can't get your hands on lime to raise the PH of your soil. You would still need a way of checking the PH to even see if it needs raising but that is a natural resource you have at hand if needed as a substitute. Don't know if it works as good though.
I guess for starters I'm going to stick close to one of the recipes in the TLO list and get a grow under my belt, just so the good folks here can help me along the way with out too many variables:) . Kelp is def on the menu... needs to be well rinsed as @Joe383 says.
I'm still waiting for my soil ingredients. Amazon free shipping can take awhile...I'm in the boonies.
I figure I'll be making use of plenty of local stuff in the future. We made a killer compost some years ago with just seaweed and fish waste. We were in a fishery that resulted in lots of fish guts and scrap fish. It really cooked up fast!
I guess for starters I'm going to stick close to one of the recipes in the TLO list and get a grow under my belt, just so the good folks here can help me along the way with out too many variables:) . Kelp is def on the menu... needs to be well rinsed as @Joe383 says.
I'm still waiting for my soil ingredients. Amazon free shipping can take awhile...I'm in the boonies.
I figure I'll be making use of plenty of local stuff in the future. We made a killer compost some years ago with just seaweed and fish waste. We were in a fishery that resulted in lots of fish guts and scrap fish. It really cooked up fast!

Me, my wife and 2 of my in laws plan on moving to Alaska in about 5+ years. I am starting to prepare for it now. I plan on working in a fish cannery.