Jraven Soil Test Result

Yes it would be good to know more about it. I know it's an issue with some neuts and people flush their soil but I'm not to hot on that...who wants 150 gallons of soaking wet soil lol. I'm not sure that there is another way to do it...and my level is lower this time so I won't mess with it unless someone has a suggestion. I used bottle neuts in the past so assuming that's the source. For sure though do a soil test so you know what you have:pass:
I haven’t done a soil test yet but I’ll be doing one shortly on my native soil and I’ll bet there’s some salt in there and I’m pretty sure there’s sodium in our well water because of the taste. Soooo, I was hoping you’d say something like, “it doesn’t matter.” Lol! Maybe someone with a lot of soil knowledge can address sodium and sodium levels. I’m curious about it.
Yes it would be good to know more about it. I know it's an issue with some neuts and people flush their soil but I'm not to hot on that...who wants 150 gallons of soaking wet soil lol. I'm not sure that there is another way to do it...and my level is lower this time so I won't mess with it unless someone has a suggestion. I used bottle neuts in the past so assuming that's the source. For sure though do a soil test so you know what you have:pass:

Yah bruddah! :pass:

Whenever I get mine back I’ll be posting a similar thread and asking for advice. I’m trying to get completely off bottled nutes. Eventually, I want to employ KNF practices.
have you tested any sprouts in it yet or transplanting done with this soil yet? if it were me I would use ( i think its borax?dont quote me on that for Boron addition) a cup or Borax or any boron addition component.add a few gallon to mix it down some on the very high numbers and retry the sprouts and so on.sprouts tell you a lot IME about your soil. happy harvesting.hope you get this sorted mang. Thats why I always hated making my own soil.well worth it but lots of time and work.thats why I dont do that anymore.LOL
Good to hear from you my friend hope things are good as they can be:toke:
Thanks for the reminder on sprout testing haven't done any on this stuff. Got a boron something coming :biggrin: so will try some after I add that. So you would be in favor of cutting the soil with say Pro Mix maybe? that's what I have here. I have been wondering if some of those numbers were "too high" ...some of them seem pretty high.
yeah things are alright.just taking it easy mostly.But the numbers are high in some areas no doubt. thats why you test and thin more if needed.I would add some bokashi and soil to thin it personally. 3-5 gallons for a 30 gallon mix and aerate a little too.if its too thick or heavy it'll compost unevenly and not completely or as fast and some patchy Anerobic or less healthy population of microbes. so bare that in mind.
All right, I'll get this borax mixed in and start some side by side seed tests and see what happens.
I was just playing with my soil and it's nice looking. I stuck some worms and castings in each bin...the texture seems good.
Do you have any ideas about the sodium content? Sounds like it's borderline high.The report says it "could"
be a problem but I don't know how to reduce it without flushing...I guess the thinning will help with that too
@Eyes on Fire
J.-- Add calcium in a soluble form , It will leach sodium out of the soil . :thumbsup:
Well dang, that sounds interesting. Would I still have to flush?:pass:
J . No , just water after like normal as it is border line high , it should drop the sodium quick . This was something I read and did some study on last year when I was looking at adding calcium .
J . No , just water after like normal as it is border line high , it should drop the sodium quick . This was something I read and did some study on last year when I was looking at adding calcium .
That's great. So that does lead to another question...I already have a high number for calcium, is there a comfort zone for that too? I assume plants would prefer high Ca to high sodium but I don't know what too much Ca would be.