Jraven Soil Test Result


from Southeast Alaska
Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Harvest season variety
I sent a sample of my soil to be tested. This soil is in totes right now waiting for spring. The results are interesting but now that I think about it not too surprising. Except for nitrogen all the nutrients and micro nutrients tested at very high levels...maybe too high? That probably means I could mix with plain soil, but the numbers only tell me so much so knowing how much to thin it is tricky. Also mentioned is soluble salt level could be too high (7.84 mS/cm)
That's awesome mate :thumbsup: Looks like you are near on spot on , gives you a great starting point . over here if I had it done it costs about $350.00 . Not going to happen . :mrgreen: I'll just stumble through .:lol:
That's awesome mate :thumbsup: Looks like you are near on spot on , gives you a great starting point . over here if I had it done it costs about $350.00 . Not going to happen . :mrgreen: I'll just stumble through .:lol:

just cost 25$ so yep well worth it. I'm still pondering the results. It's fun to know what it is.
I had my soil tested, and they told me it was strong stuff.... pH was a little off. I added required lime and more organic matter. And am super happy. Where did you have your test done. I had mine done Thur USDA.

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I sent it to Simply Soil Testing in Burlington WA. I'm glad I did it, at least it gives me an idea of what I've got.
They say it's very high in all nutrients I was wondering if any are too high like toxic lol. Organic matter and Ph was good.
I'm going to try a tester plant with the soil cut in half.
Good to hear from you my friend.....Got anything growing these days?
Nice. Soil testing is the only why to go... I have tons growing at the moment..... Blue dream photo that I'm reversing gonna blast a couple local strains. Also I'm reversing an auto strain that has been breed in the greenhouse up here.... I put a hundred autos in a 30x60 greenhouse and there was two plants that didn't mold... A huge male with real nice structure. And a little girl that turned black as night.... (Probably related to black dragon) I'm hoping to run these autos in the greenhouse this summer.... Then last but not least I have a project that holds a special spot in my heart. The F1 cross of (GDP x GA) x auto. The mother (GDP x GA) was an amazing plant.... I once had a friend leave a poker game because this guy said he had the best bud.... My friend called his bs.... The bad part was he came knocking on my door to get some to show them... I say that to explain the quality of this cutting, which I no longer have[emoji26]. But I have high hopes for the baby's....

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@Jraven I know this is an old thread but it’s new to me. Lol! I’m wondering about the “high soluble salts” listed in the report - did they cause any issues or did you do anything about them
I did not do anything, and this years post-season test came back with the same comment about salt being a bit high but the level is lower this time so I'm not sure whether to worry about it...The plants did ok this year but I didn't think my soil was perfect by any means . I probably should look into the effects of high salts and see if anything jibes with what I saw. :pass:
Here's the post season report from this year.
Here's the post season report from this year.

I haven’t done a soil test yet but I’ll be doing one shortly on my native soil and I’ll bet there’s some salt in there and I’m pretty sure there’s sodium in our well water because of the taste. Soooo, I was hoping you’d say something like, “it doesn’t matter.” Lol! Maybe someone with a lot of soil knowledge can address sodium and sodium levels. I’m curious about it.