Dragon Meds JM's Upcoming Strains:

ok stocious... remind me in spring... i owe you a 50% discount... nice spot! :thumbs:
ok man .. will do ! exellent. i won somthing by using my filthy mind lmao
^^^ lol! JM youre a sick man lol! and stocious, youre worse for spotting it lol!
moms and babies look great JM, i'll be looking forward to trying them , your growing is only seconded by your poetry bro :crying:
thanks boomer! yeah @ stocious... a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!! :crying:

I can't really claim "Auto Erotic Buds" unless the buds back the name up and the breeder backs the name up... can i? lol
So JM, if you have viagra bud, who do I get a hold of if the erection lasts more than 4 hours?
As many hot women as you need to get it off and back down.... lol thats what i do when that happens.... or beat it into submission... lol

a place i worked we always kidded around about the hot women that would come in.... we always would kid, "I gotta go sledgehammer my dick back down now" or, "Gotta go use the vice to clamp out this chubby she gave me" :crying:

A friend of mine is a nurse and told me about a patient (mental patient) who got a hold of some viagra unbeknowst to his care providers.... and by the time they found out it was because he was masturbating in the waiting room... well long story short... he could get it down... and they actually had to use a needle to draw the blood out so it would go down.... ughhhhhhhh!!!! I vowed never to see a doc if I had that problem knowing that.... ouch!

I think just hearing about that needle would be enough, yikes!

At least the patient didn't get into any ex-lax as well