Good Morning All!

Today she is at Day 66 of flowering and pistils are beginning to turn brown.

as always I appreciate the feedback and she will continue the current feeding of 4 grams of MegaCrop and 1/2 teaspoon of Bud Explosion @7.62 @Bigg Al @Mizzo81 @MR magoo @Proph @Dabber @Olderfart
You are soon going to have very sticky scissors. She looks great, definitely on the home stretch. As others have said, keep an eye on those trichs now. :pighug:
Trichs are clear at the moment @Olderfart
Then you are on the home stretch, but have a ways to go yet. If you can, try to dig up info. on another successful grow of this strain. It might be handy to know what the tendency is for this strain to amber up as it finishes. Some strains amber more than others, so waiting for amber when it isn't going to happen can mean harvesting later than you intend.

Good luck with the finish line. :pighug:
Your 2 cents is well taken @7.62 . I’ll post pics shortly as it’s feeding time @Bigg Al
I wouldn't be feeding any more. Let her ride out what's left in the soil. I would be giving her just plain ph water. That's just me.
She looks good bro!
Nice job!
This strain is called Jesus by my friend. Not sure if it’s really that particular strain or not as he bred them. Not sure if it’s a indica or Sativa strain