I got some better parchment paper from amazon in the mail yesterday and did a few presses this morning with some kief and bubble hash. Made a solid 12 grams of rosin. Pressed at 205 deg F and stuck it straight into the freezer once pressed. It was very brittle almost like shatter and a lot easier to manage with the higher temps almost like shatter. The lower temps seems to make a more flavorful rosin and possibly a little stronger but I get less return a lot less and its consistency is like some sticky sauce or butter real difficult to get off the paper. Im thinking I like the higher temps. Im going to make an aluminum plate at work so I can freeze it and use it as a cold plate for when I press at the lower temps. I like to use a cold dinner plate and stick my parchment paper on it to collect the rosin but the plates don't stay cold long I think if I make at least a half inch thick plate of aluminum it will stay cold for a long time maybe I can even drill and tap some holes in it to fill with water and cap with a set screw and seal to hold the water and then freeze it so it will stay cold a long time.... Im thinking a 6x6x.5 inch plate with a drilled and tapped hole with gasket seal every inch down one side of the plate so I can fill each chamber with water then freeze that should work quite nicely for a cold plate! Maybe mill my name in it or a pot leaf for some design something cool like that. Take it out and have it anodized green at the plating company. Something like this doobie holder I made for the local dispensary but a tiny bit different lol.
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