Indoor JaxsoNL5’s UBG - Mephisto vs Twenty20 Mendocino

Day 21 - Triks vs Skywalker x CDLC
Day 21
Past week upped their single weekly MaxiGrow to Gen Hydro’s “Light Feed” schedule (0.72 grams/L) with 0.5 mL/L CALiMAGic. I’ve never used a schedule like a jackass so lezgo! All other feeds are full strength Silica Boost + CALiMAGic + BioRoot, mixing up 1 L batches at a time.

At day 21 (03/24/23) they got a higher dose of BudBusterPro foliar spray at lights out. Today I sprayed with RO water at lights out, i’m seeing good results following up with a water spritz the day after application.

Temps and RH (lights on/off) have been 80/70 F and 65-70% / 60-65%. Have added in far and deep red pucks from RapidLED that go on before/after lights on and off. Still giving UV in spurts, up to combined 2+ hrs total per cycle. Adding in one 6500K T5HO vertically now that they’re grown, will be acclimating the other one over the week to get better lighting before I swap in the HLG rSpec 100 in a couple weeks.

Only leaf tucking at lights on and adjusting when I can as @stan_mephisto directed, i’ve never had this much hands off and it’s so fun seeing them grow naturally! Sky Crème is keeping short squat secondary branches like Stan said, i’m imagining one thick main cola on her with chunky satellite buds. Those four fan blades have thick fingahs!

For direct comparison i’ve let Triks go too with only leaf tucking. Her branching is stellar with shoots catching up to the main, and already some tertiary branching started…spreading herself out really evenly around the pot without help.





Special update coming….meow.
Day 21 - Sex Triks
We have our first female, day 21 for Triks. Another cultivar from @Twenty20 Adam that falls in line with the deets on their beautifully re-designed webpage


Difficult to see, don’t look too hard you perv.


+1 for Triks and she pulls ahead by a nose at the first turn, both ladies have plenty of steam heading into the stretch!

Mephisto - 4
Twenty20 - 5
Day 28 - Triks vs. Skywalker x CDLC
Day 28 and we had a couple WNBA prospects for this small tent, so this is where these girls diverge. At nearly 18” tall (only 48” total in the tent and lose half to light distance and container/riser height) and the stretch is just underway I made the call to supercrop Triks. For Skywalker x CDLC it’s light bending of the main only from Stan’s guidance on page 1, retucking leaves and branches as needed. I did remove a struggling branch from both that were well under their canopies.

The ladies got a foliar spray of BBP at lights out after these pics, and then a feed of mixed Bloom City Silica Boost and Humic Acid, GH CALiMAGic and BioRoot, and AN Bud Candy (pH 5.9, 475 ppm) at next lights on. I’m doing smaller volume multiple fertigations each light cycle. They’re getting 700 mL to 1 L each each cycle. Going to be adding AN Bud Candy into most feeds now per the bottle instructions for coco.



Triks before snapping the main


The main is laid down to the right in this pic, using a ratchet loop to support her up overnight. Made a complete 90 degree angle at her midpoint. She popped right back up no f@cks given during lighting, already needs to be tied down and knuckling nicely at the crop point.


Skywalker x CDLC (Sky Crème) before bending


Bent the Sky Crème main to the left, filling in remaining space.


With Triks bent to fill space in the back right, and Sky Crème bent to the left i’m hoping to fill out the available canopy space over the next couple weeks. Thanks for stopping by growmies! ✌️💚🪴
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Day 35 - Triks vs Skywalker x CDLC
Day 35
Should be roughly the end of week 1 flower, been 2 weeks since first sign of sex for Triks and Sky Crème was two days later. Both ladies got their final foliar spray of Bud Buster Pro, and started transitioning over to GH MaxiBloom with a 75:25 amount of MaxiGro/MaxiBloom…next will be 50:50 amounts, 25:75 after that, and then only MaxiBloom until I cut base nutes around day 63. I’m using Gen Hydro’s Feed Chart using between light-to-medium amounts of MaxiGrow (now MaxiBloom, feeding every 4-6 days with supplemental mixes fed between.

Swapped in one AgroMax 3000K “Bloom” T5HO replacing one of the 6500K bulbs, and replaced the Bloomspect SL600 (85W max, likely 80W now) with the HLG rSpec 100. Started lowering humidity slowly, low 60% during lights on and 58-60% during lights out (temp doesn’t drop too much).



I cleaned Triks up. Any branches below or barely above the supercrop horizontal got removed. Ugly/dying fan leaves removed, most had underdeveloped branches that were also removed. Forgot to snap a pic after, here she is before.



Skywalker x CDLC (Sky Crème, SC) main bent at a 45ish deg angle. She’s got big fan leaves that keep getting tucked together. I did remove the small ugly fan leaves and some dying leaves but otherwise she has been left alone. Would you clean up her lowers @stan_mephisto or let everything grow out?


Adding the rSpec with driver removed bought a couple more inches, the panel is pretty much maxed out height so fingers crossed the bulk of stretch is over. I’ll clean up that ugly ducting this week, first time i’ll be running the carbon filter outside the tent during flower.


Thanks for stopping by growmies ✌️💚🪴
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Day 42 - Early Flower - Triks vs Skywalker x CDLC
Day 42 (Week 6) from sprout
Roughly ended second week of flower, and should be right about halfway to the finish 🏁

Today we’re finally switched from veg to bloom nutes, also added in AN Big Bud a few days ago and AN Nirvana today. Realized I was underfeeding (wasn’t accounting for volume of feed batches I was mixing), apparent as CalMag deficiency (I think) in both with a slight N def in Triks. Gave a high EC (1,130 ppm, pH 6.0) feed of Silica Boost, CALiMAGic, MaxiBloom, and Bud Candy so fingers crossed they start looking healthier overall. Did some minimal pruning on both to clean them up, mostly lower interior branches blocked by the canopy or underperforming branches or bud sites. Left some lower fan leaves and will trim them as they look even fuglier in the coming weeks. Other than that letting them go!

Before pruning, Mephisto’s Skywalker x CDLC (nicknamed her Sky Crème) in front with Mr Meph Piggy tag.



Twenty20 Mendocino- Triks autoflower




Mephisto Genetics - Skywalker x CDLC



After pruning, can you see a difference? LOL!


Thanks for stopping by growmies ✌️💚🪴
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Day 49 - Triks vs Skywalker x CDLC
Day 49 (end week 7)
Should be about end of week 3 flower for Triks, Sky Crème a couple days behind. I think we’re back on track with the feeds. The fan leaves on Sky Crème (in front) press against the tent wall and look fugly as hell but oh well, this is what an amateur small tent grow looks like LOL! Only removing fans as needed, other than that leaving them alone now until a clean up near harvest time. Ladies are about 24” from top of soil to the tip of their tallest cola.


Miss Congeniality, the photogenic one…Twenty20 Mendocino Triks (Triangle Kush) autoflower


Her main cola is going to be snowed in


And Mephisto’s Skywalker x CDLC, I just can’t capture her well but she’s purty. I’ve had trouble dialing her in but she’s chugging right along. I think she’d prefer the light a little further away, and some cooler temps LOL!


None of my pics of her main turned out sharp, so a little side bud action


Hoping y’all had a fun 4/20 growmigos ✌️💚🪴