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Very interesting, I will have to grow out a couple of cbd strains and do some experimenting with different kinds of dosages of thc and cbd. Have you tried a 1:1?
I have experienced very good pain relief with either High THC or high CBD but here is the rub. If I take a high CBD dose and then maybe a few hours later I take a high THC strain my pain is amplified for about 30 minutes until the high THC takes over. I mean it is multiplied by 4 or 5. If I take a high CBD following the high THC I do not seem to get that magnification effect. I have adapted my med schedule to consider this effect. I know if I vape a high THC for the buzz while using a CBD edible I am going to have some pain.
Thanks I did send her the song. And this one.

Tell her you made her some bone broth soup with carrots, turnips, shallots, garlic, leeks, onions, and potatoes...

I have found high thc tincture helps my nerve pain a lot but in high doses

Same here man....4ml of green dragon(many thc based strains) certainly works on pain...problem is at that rate the intensity of the high is so extreme that you cant think clear enough to do the job. I found a decrease in high intensity at 4ml high thc combines with 2ml pure cbd tincture. It was enough that i was able to control the high and work for 8 hours or more without the need for a toke.
You would have to ask @tobe or @StickMan
I doubt they have been lab tested but should qualify as a 1:1 THC:CBD or 2:1 THC:CBD from looking at the linage..

BlackStone F3 x CBD Haze XXL auto


This sounds right, I haven't seen an official lab test out anywhere for these yet.
Awesome man, 4ml of green dragon certainly has a great effect on pain control but on complex tasks my mind is all over the place making it difficult to focus on my job...not enough green dragon makes pain difficult to focus on my given task...I definitely need some high cbd tincture in my life I think
Same here man....4ml of green dragon(many thc based strains) certainly works on pain...problem is at that rate the intensity of the high is so extreme that you cant think clear enough to do the job. I found a decrease in high intensity at 4ml high thc combines with 2ml pure cbd tincture. It was enough that i was able to control the high and work for 8 hours or more without the need for a toke.
I’ve been taking 25 mg THC Sativa tablets and going to work at 7 am. I re-up on the THC at lunch if I can. I’ve only been taking 5 mg of CBD though. I still have some hand pain but it’s not as bad. I notice I’m much less anxious though. I’ve had big problems with anxiety before work in the past but the THC and CBD really helps with that.
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