the green bandit
Outdoor gardening enthusiast
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club

Very interesting, I will have to grow out a couple of cbd strains and do some experimenting with different kinds of dosages of thc and cbd. Have you tried a 1:1?
I have experienced very good pain relief with either High THC or high CBD but here is the rub. If I take a high CBD dose and then maybe a few hours later I take a high THC strain my pain is amplified for about 30 minutes until the high THC takes over. I mean it is multiplied by 4 or 5. If I take a high CBD following the high THC I do not seem to get that magnification effect. I have adapted my med schedule to consider this effect. I know if I vape a high THC for the buzz while using a CBD edible I am going to have some pain.