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wrapped up from wet or semi dried first ? and how long they been wrapped up ?
Wrapped up wet. There's a bit of a process at first to remove some moisture. This is at 45 days cure

Sweet Sue on 420 claimed a properly Malawi cured bud of really good smoke kept her stoned almost all day on .3-.5Gm!
That's about what I ate. Well, we'll see about all day hehe. My tolerance is pretty high these days:smoking:
I'm liking it so far:cheers:
no i didnt.think i had an out of body or starred at a spot on the wall for 2 hours :shrug:
i scanned a bit this morning in work on a mobuler and caught a bit of it,they do look mighty tasty :thumbsup:
good morning/affynoon/eve Live Stoners
morning trail :pass:
i wonder if theres a difference eating and sucking on it like a boiled sweet :shrug:
no i didnt.think i had an out of body or starred at a spot on the wall for 2 hours :shrug:
i scanned a bit this morning in work on a mobuler and caught a bit of it,they do look mighty tasty :thumbsup:

I thought so, too until I priced them on Amazon! OMG......I would be better off buying canna cookies on line! I know they are imported....but those prices are armed robbery
if you a bit sleepy eyed this il get ya goin trial

can ya tell its my new fav tune
morning trail :pass:
i wonder if theres a difference eating and sucking on it like a boiled sweet :shrug:

Apparently there are a number of ways to get COB in your it, chew it, sub lingual, smoke it, make a tea with it.............and then there is the ever popular suppository form which if you look at COB cured bud.......makes perfect sense!
Today has been a good day!!
Seeds are in bog roll for the Zamnesia and the Seed Stockers battles!
And this arrived...


All courtesy of the guys at Busy Grow. :d5:
Got the Mega Bloom for my photoperiod's and the Bud Juice for the auto's!
You all better watch out in the battles, im coming in with the big guns!!!
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