Photography Jack Herer Outdoor

Hey elunex, fantastic photos and what a plant! Love that wheelie bin in the background, gives me hope..

I'm a newbie here and have only been browsing the forums and learning as much as I can; can I ask you what your pot size is and your soil mix?

I'm currently growing White Widow XXLs from Dinafem outdoors in Cape Town and my lead girl is at day 43 from seed, looking good but I don't think I'm going to get the yield that you got. I think I'm undersized with 20 litre pots and have to move twice in a day to get 9 - 10 hours of direct sun.

Thanks man, appreciate it.

My soil was a South African living soil sold by a local company, it's mostly coco based but then got a bunch of additional added things which they don't specify.

The pot is a 25L pot, but the roots weren't nearly filling the pot at all, going forward I'd probably use a maximum 20L pot.

If you feel your plant is having some troubles, I can almost bet that it's got to do with the amount of light you're getting. 10 hours is definitely less than optimal and will lower yields a lot. My initial placement got about 8 hours and then I moved it to an area with 13 hours and the plant took off. When grown indoors, you want at least 18 hours of light for autos, and start to really see yields dropping after 14 hours or less, so if 10 hours is all you can get, you will likely see some lower yields just based off that :)
Many thanks!

Ja, not much I can do about the sun but it has been and remains great growing weather and they're all looking healthy. I've got a couple of Dinafem Haze XXLs going which are about two weeks old so I'll probably be juggling with the weather in May.

Sounds like we're using the same soil mix from FF and I'm using BioBizz nutrients (Fish, Grow and Bloom) which are serving me well.

All the best!
That's her a short while ago, sorry not up to your photographic standards! Day 44 so still a long way to go, currently feeding 1ml Grow and 3ml Bloom.

Edit: 83cm and I think she'll get to about 90.
Btw, I was in touch with the agronomist at FF via email and he's a very responsive and helpful guy. It seems that he's introducing his own nutrients which aren't yet on his pricing schedule, viz probiotics and "fire juice". I'll probably take a trip out to Strand one of these days for a chat.

I'm sure he's coining it since the ConCourt Ruling and good luck to him!
Btw, I was in touch with the agronomist at FF via email and he's a very responsive and helpful guy. It seems that he's introducing his own nutrients which aren't yet on his pricing schedule, viz probiotics and "fire juice". I'll probably take a trip out to Strand one of these days for a chat.

I'm sure he's coining it since the ConCourt Ruling and good luck to him!

I stay 5 minutes away from the FF factory and have been before. They have the Firejuice available, been running it as a booster on my last two grows.

I use: Freedom Farms Microlife, Freedom Farms Kelp, Biobizz Bloom, Vermicast and then the Freedom Farms Firejuice