That light is a bit of work to put together, I’m in a wheelchair so they less I have to ask people to do things the better! Any other lights that I can use from seed to flowering?
I like the Bluemat irrig system for sure. I would just use those after I transplanted them to the 5g pot right?
could I use one of those floor model oscillating fans and at what stag do I use it or am I just better off using a couple of clip on ones?
What about this light?
K5 Series XL750 Indoor LED Grow Lights
Spectrum Customizable/Adjustable 12 Band Diodes 208 (3w, 5w, UV, IR) Max Wattage 430w (±5%) HID Wattage Equivalent 750w Input Voltage 100-240V AC Power Input Output Voltage UL Stnd. < 76V DC Amperage 3.58A @ 120V / 1.8A @ 240V Power Factor .99 LIfetime >50,000 Hours Weight
You are the man!! Thanks so much, I appreciate the advice!
I’m located in canada
Not a problem. Let's make this as easy as possible for you. Good luck
How many lights do I need for a 2x4 plant with 2-3 plants?