Issues with girls. Yellowing with burns/scaring? Plus

Oct 16, 2011
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Well I'm having issues with a couple of my girls (White Dwarfs). Not all of my girls are like this though, well not yet atleast.
I'm not really sure what the issue is. The yellowing spots on leaves just kind of started so I'm guessing that had to do with my last feeding in which I gave them a weak solution of nutes.

The burn/scaring has been occurring on one of my girls even before the feeding, but I noticed another of my girls has started having the same burning/scaring recently.

My temps in room are around 78F near bottom up to 82F near tops of girls.
I have PH'ing my water to 6.5. I also tend to spray them down a few times a day just because it's so dry here. I have a humidifier in the room with the girls and turn it on high, but it only gets the humidity up to 40-45%.

I have an Oscillating fan blowing on them 24/7. If I don't the temp near the plants rises up to the upper 80's.

Also some of my girls tips are curling up and some are curling down. And some of the leaves edges are curing up still even though it's not that warm in there anymore.

The last feeding I added 2ml of GH Micro and 4ml of GH Bloom to each gallon of water I made. I then ph'd water to 6.5.

Here are some pics. and any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
btw my girls are about a month old now.

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Have you checked your runoff lately? You might need some calmag.If the leaves continue to get light green you might need some nitrogen.
hey slow2gro i had exactly the same problem, yellow spots randomly appearing and scarred leaves. turned out it was a combination of N def and my lights being too close. i raised lights a couple of inches and gave an increase in biobizz grow and fish mix.( high N nutes) and also a wee bit epsom salts 1 teaspoon per litre (dissolved in about two table spoons of hot water first) seems to have sorted it now.

attatched is some pics of the problems i had.

i'm a noob grower but just speaking from personal experience dude.



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Cool, I'll try giving them some Epson Salt next feeding. Maybe even mix some up and spray the leaves down. I added a bit of Bone Meal to the top layer of soil before I watered.
Are you spraying underneath the leaves or on top of them dude? I only ask as in one of the pics I put on you can see a small black hole which was the result of a water droplet on the leaf which ended up burning a hole through it due to the light and heat being magnified through the water (acting like a magnifying glass above an ant), maybe cut back on the foliar spray incase its intensifyting the light and burning the plants. I put a pyrex casserole dish with water in my room to promote humidity without actually spraying the invade. Just my 2 Bob mate.
Yeah I'm going to cut back on spraying them. Unless I do a Epsom Spray down, then rinse.
What kind of lighting are you using? If you are using HPS or MH, you really can't spray the plants safely and it is likely the source of all the problems you see. Most of the images just look to me like they're burned, which the rest of the plant will recover from. I suspect it is burn also but, the 5th and 6th pics do seem to show slight signs of either potassium or phosphorous deficiency, neither of which would be helped by Epsom salts. You can get potassium in molasses. Phosphorous is the primary nutrient in most bloom ferts. :peace:
Cool thanks JoeDirt.
Never realized Dewey was Young Joe Dirt.
I've stopped spraying them because they are under a HPS. I notice some of them though the tips are turning yellow.
Will give them a dose of Molasses on next watering, which should be today or tomorrow.
Hi mate, i don't think you should use epsom salt.

epaom salt is sulfur and magnesium, and you have planty of it!! meybe too much sulfur.

you are using 2ML micro and 4ML bloom per galon (lucas formula)

GHE bloom has 5% sulfur and 3% magnesium. (and NPK: 0-5-4)

i don't think this is your problem, but it could be:

"Too much Sulfur will cause your plants to be small along with the size of your leaves, along with your leaves being brown and dead looking at the tips. An excess of sulfur can also look like salt damage, restricted growth and dark color damage."
I seem to be having issues with them again. Not sure if it's a Potassium, Magnesium, or Boron issue.
The tips are curling up and turning yellow and brown. I noticed it's more on the upper leaves than the lower leaves.

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