Hey pal,been off the forum with health problems as of late, but just looked back n looked into a regional water test. N although not being able to get a definitive data sheet. We have 'HARD' water, an excess of calcium aannndd u guessed it, magnesium.
No more cal mag for me, our kettle is always getting calcification in it but never even thought of the state of the water I'm starting with, THANK YOU VERY MUCH SIR.
Now before reading ur reply, I'd actually dropped out of giving calmag EVERY feed n just every 3rd or 4th, n u can see when iv done it by the yellowing on a set of leaves, then a few nodes green ,then yellow.
Yea, no more cal mag.
Got a half ounce out of that little purple lemonade.
Bought a big 16L 4gal pot now, n natures living Auto concentrate mix, n got some more 420 fast buds, cookies n cream and an orange punch.
Thanks for info lad, think iv done with my 4 little grows in 5l pots, n now to move onto something bigger.