Lol i knew it would have been impossable for me to have figured out the real reason for this on my own but i wanted to see what sort of replies id get back and learn something myself and thats exactly whats happened so thanks Arty Zan and Waira and JM for the excellent information!
Ever since learning about the increased need for calcium i wanted to know why but never bothered to digg too deeply for it untill recently and couldn't find much info on it online tbh. When i found that article though i was like hmmmm thats the same kinda wavelength that LED's are giving off so thought there might have been something to it lol.
Now i've got to think up some more weird stuff whilst im stoned and post a thread about it lol
Ever since learning about the increased need for calcium i wanted to know why but never bothered to digg too deeply for it untill recently and couldn't find much info on it online tbh. When i found that article though i was like hmmmm thats the same kinda wavelength that LED's are giving off so thought there might have been something to it lol.
Now i've got to think up some more weird stuff whilst im stoned and post a thread about it lol