Grow Mediums Is third time the charm or will this be another AutoPot failure?

Sorry it's been nearly a week since I've last updated. 'll try to start getting at least 2 updates per week from here on out! Today I upped the feed for all the girls from 2 to 2 1/2 grams of MC per gallon, (along with Silica Blast & CalMag+, both @ 5ml per gallon). I've been using Recharge @ 1/2 tsp per gallon 1x a week and I've also been using Optic Foliar every 3rd day. Temps have been running 78 - 81F, with humidity around 60%. I've done several rounds of light lst-ing the past couple week, and yesterday I trimmed out some of the lower growth & wrapped some of the upper fan leaves with garden wire. This weekend I plan to switch 3 of the 4 girls over to the AutoPots system. Here's some pics & thanks for stopping by! :d5::pass:


Purple Nuggets, (above), is on day 32 and she's begun showing her girlie parts. :dancer: I'm not seeing any color so far, but I haven't started using Purpinator yet!

Grape Walker Kush is day 24 and she's starting to get her funk on! :gassy1: Both of the Creme da la Chem(s) are on day 20 & they have the widest leaves of any of the others. However, one seems to be a node ahead of the other. :shrug: Here's a group shot of the 3. :pass:

I've been pretty busy today trying to get the AutoPots cleaned from their last use, and everything else involved. I finally got the res cleaned & filled with water. I got an air pump keeping things moving and I plan to mix up nutrients tomorrow, but it will be 2 - 3 days before I can hook it up to allow time for the PH to settle. I've also moved things around a bit. Only the 2 CDLCs are still in the old grow shower sharing the California Light Woks Solar Extreme 250 at about 24 inches above the canopy. Both girls are on day 24 and their already starting to put on that gassy funk that I love so well! I nicknamed the smaller one Old Stubby, as she's on the shorty side and her main stalk leans at an angle. Here;s some pics of her before & after I did some training. :peace::pass:



As I mentioned in an earlier post, Purple Nuggets is well into pre-flower & showing all her girlie parts. :dancer: She's on day 36 and already 24 in tall!. Since she's a little older than the rest, I'm going to hand water her to finish. Here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :peace::pass:


Sorry I've been so busy that I haven't had time to update. Between hooking up the AutoPots & having 1 flood twice, plus I just took a gig doing karaoke at the local dive bar & I've been out of it for 12 years. I started in 1996 and I had a big following, so I'm pretty sure I can still bring in a crowd, (just have to get the word out). I had to get my amp worked on & all the hazels that come with starting a business. I'm really too dam old, but it's a way I can get my 15 yr old into the business. He's a drummer, but plays several instruments and he's in the school's marching band. I was telling him how I use to make big money doing private parties & I even dj-jayed a few weddings and corporate gigs, (besides playing all the area bars). So since my amps been fixed I've been spending time showing him how things work & it's been really hectic for me. I don't talk about it much, but I have "end stage" heart failure & don't know how much time I have left. So anything I can do with my son ... it not only makes good memories, but maybe leaves him with a way to earn money later on....

Anyways, GWK is on day 36 and she's the girl that flooded twice because of the plug not being right. It happened 2 days in a row & by the 3rd day she was starting to look funky. I was seeing discoloration in some of the leaves, plus the edges were curling up too! I let her dry out a little too long, (she was pretty light when i picked her up & I'm sure she wasn't far from wilting). I hit her with some Recharge Saturday evening & today her leaves are hanging pretty, but it did damage some of her fan leaves. Sorry I didn't have time to take more detailed pics, but here she is! Thanks for stopping by & happy growing! :peace::pass:

CDLC#1, (Stubby), is on day 32 on starting to show her girlie parts! :dancer: Most of the lean is gone now & she may be slightly ahead of her sister. Both are reeking with gassy goodness! :gassy1: Here's a couple pics with Stubby being 1st! Thanks again for stopping by! :peace::pass:


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Houston we have a problem! I saw a baby gnat last Tuesday and I by Thursday the plants were yellowing & looking droppy. I cut off the res & let them dry out for about 36 hours & then I hit em with some Recharge & Gnatrol @ full strength, (MC @ only 1 1/2 gram per gallon).. I had already hung a couple yellow traps at the beginning of the grow, (they were gnat-less), but I set one @ the top of each pot & caught a few babies. Both CDLCs had the most yellowing, but hopefully they will recover! I didn't catch any gnats yet on their yellow traps, so I increased the MC to 3 1/2 grams per gallon. Since they are my favorite strain, I've decided to take them off the res permanently & hand water until harvest. However, the GWK seemed to be the least effected & she's back on the res. I guess that would make this an AutoPot failure as that was the original question when I started this thread, since only 1 of the planned 4 will even have a chance to make it too harvest. After this grow I'll take a break until fall, but I've decided that next grow I'm only going to try the AutoPots on 2 of the 4 plants, until I gain more confidence. Anyways, I'll took some pics last Friday of each plant & I've been waiting around so I can post some before & after pics. Hopefully, they will look better! :peace: :pass:
Day 41 for Grape Walker Kush & like I mentioned earlier, she seems the least affected of all the girls, (despite the previous weeks flooding after the aqua-valve malfunctioned). Temps have been running around 77 F. & the humidity is ranging between 40 - 50%. PPMs have been around 600, with a starting PPM @ 100. Here's some pics that were taken 48 hours ago & the last pic was taken moments ago! Thanks for stopping by & happy growing! :peace: :pass:




Pic taken just now!