Just figured for a fun topic I'd like to ask for input on how many plants are you all running in a 4x4 tent. Light to plant ratio? There's a part of me that feels less plants in the space with more light per individual plant would be better in the long run. The other part of me wonders if a little bit of competition for light would prompt growth. I've had 9 plants in my bloom tent and it seems over crowded at times. I've been considering having 3 to 6 plants instead but having more direct light on each plant. For example. In my 2nd tent what used to be my veg tent.. I have 2 blue automazar coming in fierce. I'm thinking of doing 1 or 2 plants per light in my grow space. Less nutrients overall. Less plant management. And having 2 4x4 tents with DP autoflowers. I currently own 4 California lightworks solar storm 440s and one 880. So 1 plant per 440 would be 6 plants to 12 plants between the two tents..