Lighting IR Trigger Lights For 17% More Yield - Why Aren't You Doing This?


Autoflower Breeder
Aug 10, 2015
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In my research, I came across some information on using infrared 'trigger' lights to effectively extend a plant's night cycle by 2 hours, without making any changes to your normal light cycle.

Essentially, the theory is this: exposing the plants to a short period of infrared light shocks them into entering their 'nighttime mode' faster, where it would usually take 2 hours takes only 15 minutes under the IR lights. This guy does a better job of explaining it than me, I'm tired and medicated...

And here is a short, but much more scholarly article on the subject (read from "Phytochrome" on)- I wish I was better at translating this dry stuff...

So, since autos only get 4 hours of night a day (or mine do) - it occurred to me that by running a simple incandescent bulb on my plants for just 15 minutes a day, I might effectively increase that 4 to a (plant chemistry wise) 6 hours a day, without changing my light schedule.

So - Is anyone doing this already, and have you noticed results? In theory, it should increase yield noticeably.


Ok - So, I pulled all teh references to UVB, I'm putting that in a different thread, with links to a study another user here on AF conducted about a year back.

Also - I added a number of articles, mostly scholarly in nature, that I have read through (yes, I am unable to believe I read this bullshit either, but if it increased my yield, I'm into it).

*********FINAL ANALYSIS (or read everything below and more for yourself, whatever)************

Use an infrared light for 15 minutes around the time your main lights go on and off (off set it, a few minutes while on/off, continuing for 10-15 minutes after lights go on/out).

This simulates a sunrise/sunset in a desert or mountainside, where IR is noticeably higher at those times.

It gives you a bigger yield. IR stimulates the plant to convert Pr to Pfr and vice versa, depending on which the plant has more of, and the intensity of the light. Pr and PFR influence flower development.

A $4 250w infrared light covers a 3x3-4x4 area very nicely.
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The Emerson enhancement effect as it relates to photosynthesis of plants states that there are 2 photochemical reactions (PS1 & PS2) involved in photosynthesis which combine to enhance efficiency. Emerson measured photosynthesis using both red and far-red light (infrared) light. He found that the combination of the two speed up photosynthesis. Furthermore, Emerson observed that the yield obtained using both red and far-red light simultaneously was much higher than the sum of the yields obtained with red and far-red light separately. The best way to achieve the Emerson effect is by using an infrared wavelength of above 700nm in order to accelerate the interaction of molecular energy.

Two different reaction centers or photochemical events are involved in photosynthesis. One event is driven by red light (660 nm) and the other is driven by far-red light (680+ nm). Optimal photosynthesis occurs when both events are driven simultaneously or in rapid succession. These two photochemical events operate in series to carry out photosynthesis optimally.

How can one obtain both red and far red light in their indoor garden? The best way to do this is to grow with LED grow lights that are configured using the scientific principles of the Emerson effect. It is important to have the wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis and to have them at the correct weighted average percentages in relation to one another. By growing with LED indoor grow lights that have the Optimal 8-band wavelength formulation in addition to the principles of the Emerson effect the trichome formation and budding production will be ramped up resulting in the optimal yield for the indoor plants.

The biological perception of light is mediated by a collection of photoreceptors that couple light absorption to specific signaling cascades. One influential set is the phytochromes, a superfamily of dimeric chromoproteins that absorb light via a bound bilin (or linear tetrapyrrole) chromophore1,2,8. The bilin is buried within an N-terminal cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain whose contacts with the chromophore generate much of the unique photochromic behavior of Phys. Typically, the GAF domain is preceded by a Per/Arndt/Sim (PAS) domain and followed by a Phy-associated (PHY) domain and an output module, which often includes a histidine kinase domain that initiates a two-component phosphorelay. By photointerconversion between Pr and Pfr, phytochromes act as light-regulated switches for measuring the fluence, direction, duration and color of the ambient light environment8.

Despite intensive study, we know little about how phytochromes acquire their unique photochromic behavior and how Pfr then initiates signal transmission. Recently, we and others provided important insights by determining the structure of the bilin-binding photosensory domain as Pr3-7. These models showed that the bilin is cradled within the GAF domain crevice, revealed a figure-of-eight knot that connects the PAS and GAF domains, identified a dimerization contact between adjacent GAF domains in the homodimer, and discovered a hairpin projection from the PHY domain that helps seal the chromophore pocket from the solvent. Unfortunately, these models have not fully illuminated how Pfr is generated. A long held notion is that the initial photochemistry involves a Z to E isomerization of the C15=C16 methine bridge which concomitantly rotates the D pyrrole ring9-13. Specific protein conformational changes have also been proposed from the structural analyses of an unusual phytochrome variant that prefers Pfr as the ground state, but whether these movements pertain to canonical phytochromes remains speculative7,14.

To better understand photoconversion, we used NMR spectroscopy to generate companion high resolution Pr and Pfr structures of the GAF domain from the phytochrome SyB-Cph1 obtained from the thermotolerant cyanobacterium Synechococcus OSB’. This fragment efficiently assembles with its native chromophore phycocyanobilin (PCB) to generate a chromoprotein with near full Pr/Pfr photochromicity4,15. NMR spectra were collected without illumination with the chromoprotein as Pr and during continuous red light irradiation, which produced an equimolar mixture of Pr and Pfr. By comparing the results to our previous SyB-Cph1(GAF) Pr structure4, we generated a highly refined solution structure of Pfr (Protein Data Bank (PDB) code 2KLI) and an improved solution structure of Pr (PDB code 2KOI) with structured backbone root mean square deviations of 0.44 Å and 0.30 Å, respectively.

The backbone conformation of the SyB-Cph1 GAF domain as Pfr is similar to that as Pr, indicating that the overall shape of this domain does not change dramatically during photoconversion (Fig. 1). However, photoinduced movements were obvious for the bilin and a number of amino acid side chains. In contrast to our previous report4, the refined Pr structure showed that the PCB A pyrrole ring is nearly perpendicular to the B and C rings, with the A-ring carbonyl now pointing away from the thioether linkage to Cys138 (Fig. 2a,b). Upon photoconversion to Pfr, the orientations of the B, C and D rings are unchanged. Instead, we found in the ensemble of Pfr conformers that the A ring becomes nearly co-planar with the B and C rings, implying a ~90° rotation around the C4=C5 bridge during photoconversion (Fig. 2b). The thioether linkage to PCB is also contorted, which is supported by the fact that the Cys138 β carbon displays the largest chemical shift change during photoconversion (-4.6 ppm (Suppl. Fig. 1)). Most NMR signals from PCB exhibited considerable broadening in Pfr, suggesting increased mobility relative to the more rigid Pr state (Fig. 2c,d and Suppl. Fig. 2).

Figure 1

Three-dimensional overlay of SyB-Cph1(GAF) Pr and Pfr solution structures

Figure 2

Rotation of the A ring of the PCB chromophore during Pr to Pfr photoconversion
Although prior studies proposed that the D ring rotates during phototransformation9-11,13, our NMR analyses of SyB-Cph1(GAF) failed to detect significant chemical shift changes for this ring during photoconversion. For example, various NMR spectra for the D-ring C171 and C182 methyls, amide, the pyrrole nitrogen, and C18 failed to detect Pfr signals distinct from Pr, nor did the immediate neighboring C131 methyl of the C ring, whereas differences in and around the environment of the A ring were obvious (Fig. 2c,d, Suppl. Fig. 2, and ref.15).

Rotation of the A ring of SyB-Cph1(GAF) is accompanied by conformational changes of several amino acids proximal to PCB, including Asp86, Tyr142, Phe82, Tyr54, His139, His169, Arg101 and Val100. Previous structural studies of Pr showed that the Nδ1 nitrogen of His139 contributes to a complex hydrogen bond network, involving the A-C ring nitrogens and a centrally positioned pyrrole water which together participate in the protonation cycle of the bilin during photoconversion, whereas the Nψ1 nitrogen of His169 hydrogen bonds with the C19 carbonyl oxygen to stabilize the D ring4-6,16,17. In Pfr, both these interactions are disrupted; the imidazole rings of His139 and His169 are rotated away from the pyrrole water and the D ring, respectively (Fig 3a-c). The position of His169 in Pfr is stabilized by displacement of strand β6 toward strand β1, leading to the formation of a new set of hydrogen bonds involving His170 with Tyr176 and Thr48 (Suppl. Fig. 3). Collectively, these changes likely alter the environment of the pyrrole water and thus the bilin photocycle16-19, a possibility supported by our observations that the Pfr forms of Tyr176-Phe, His169-Ala, and Thr48-Ala mutants thermally revert more rapidly back to Pr (Suppl. Fig. 4).

Figure 3

Light-driven conformational changes for amino acids surrounding the chromophore
A second set of rearrangements during photoconversion involves Phe82, Tyr54, Asp86, and Tyr142 near the A and D rings of PCB (Figs. 3a-c and 4a,b). The Phe82 aromatic ring rotates ~30° to assume a parallel displaced orientation relative to the PCB D ring that could enable hydrophobic π stacking interactions (Fig. 4e,f). Movement of Phe82 eliminates a hydrogen bond between its main chain nitrogen and the hydroxyl of Tyr54, a conserved residue that helps avoid non-productive fluorescence of some Phys during photoexcitation15,16,20. Mutant analysis shows that both Phe82 and Tyr54 are required for Pfr formation and stability (Suppl. Fig. 4). Rotation of the A-ring nitrogen to its position in Pfr is stabilized by a new hydrogen bond with the main chain oxygen of Asp86. Subsequent motion of the Asp86 side chain then leads to a new hydrogen bond network with the hydroxyl of Tyr142 and the D-ring carbonyl, the importance of which is confirmed by the aberrant photochemistry of a Tyr142-Phe mutant and several Asp86 substitutions (Suppl. Fig. 4 and ref.15). Collectively, these movements help stabilize the D ring (in addition to its contact with Lys52), and decrease the solvent accessibility of the Pfr chromophore (Fig 4c,d). Given that the carboxylate group of Asp86 is predicted to form a double salt bridge with a conserved arginine located in the PHY domain hairpin3,7, movement of Asp86 likely affects this contact as well.

Figure 4

Conformational rearrangement of Asp86, Tyr142 and Phe82 during Pr to Pfr photoconversion
Perhaps the most dramatic change in the SyB-Cph1(GAF) domain during photoconversion involves movement of Arg101 (Fig. 3d-f). In Pr, Arg101 forms a double salt bridge with the carboxylate of the B-ring propionate, but in Pfr, strand β4 is disrupted, and Arg101 and Val100 swivel approximately 180° to encourage a salt bridge between Arg101 and Glu185 in helix α5 (Fig. 3d-f and Suppl. Fig. 5). Concomitant with this rotation is a 2.6 Å displacement of helix α2 toward the B-ring propionate, thus allowing Phe95 to fill the void left by Arg101. Previous mutagenic analyses of Arg101 and a comparable Arg in Arabidopsis PhyB revealed a critical role for this residue in Pfr stability and signaling4,22, whereas mutagenic studies of both Gln185 and Arg101 support the importance of their contact in Pfr (Suppl. Fig. 4). For example, the Gln185-Ala and Gln185-Glu mutants of SyB-Cph1 thermally revert from Pfr to Pr slower than wild type, whereas the Gln185-Arg and Arg101-Ala mutants revert much faster, with the Gln185-Arg mutant also displaying aberrant absorption spectra. Collectively, the new Pfr contact between Arg101 and Gln185 appears to adjust the position and/or flexibility of helix α5, as detected by notable chemical shift changes for several neighboring residues (e.g. Val184) and the unusual absence of NMR signals in Pfr from helix α5 (e.g., Gln178, Glu179, Glu180, Leu181, and Gln185), which participates in Phy dimerization6,7.

Taken together, the structural differences between Pr and Pfr in SyB-Cph1(GAF) combined with the photochemical importance of a number of key conserved residues (Suppl. Fig. 6) offer a possible model for phytochrome photoconversion. An unexpected feature is the substantial rotation of the A ring, presumably driven by a C4=C5 isomerization, and a contortion of its thioether linkage to the protein instead of the former proposal that the D ring rotates9-13. Either isomerization or relaxation of the strained C4=C5 bridge during Pfr formation could account for the red-shifted absorption spectrum of Pfr by increasing the coupling of the π-conjugation system. Further red-shifting by π-stacking interactions with aromatic residues neighboring the D ring could help explain the Pfr/Pr chemical shift differences reported previously for the D ring23. Rotation of the A ring is also supported by photochemical studies with sterically locked bilins24,25 and by prior NMR spectra of phytochrome fragments also containing the PAS and PHY domains26,27, which strongly suggest that our results with SyB-Cph1(GAF) are not unique to this phytochrome nor artifactually generated by analysis of just the GAF domain. We note that the x-ray crystallographic structures of several Phys as Pr3-5,7,28 have modeled with a more coplanar configuration for the A ring relative to the B and C rings than seen here for SyB-Cph1 in solution. These differences could reflect subtle variations among Phys, inherent differences in the environment of the chromophore in crystals versus in solution, and/or radiation-induced damage of the Pr bilin during x-ray data collection that could relax the strain of a non-planar A ring5,28.

We propose that, subsequent to rotation of the A ring, a series of reversible conformational movements occur within the bilin-binding pocket that support the deprotonation/protonation cycle of the bilin, stabilize the Pfr form, and finally adjust several contact sites on the surface of the GAF domain. In particular, movement of the Asp86 and Tyr142 pair could affect the non-covalent interaction of the PHY domain with the GAF domain through its hairpin projection, which could then reorient by a hinge mechanism these domains relative to each other. The swivel of Arg101 to contact Gln185 concomitantly reorients and/or destabilizes helix α5. Given the role of helix α5 in helping sister phytochromes dimerize and in covalently connecting the GAF and PHY domains3,6,7, even a subtle movement/unfolding of this helix might have profound consequences on intermolecular GAF/GAF dimerization and intramolecular GAF/PHY contacts.

Taken together, it is conceivable that such light-induced rearrangements then initiate a cascade of events within the phytochrome dimer that reorient the C-terminal output modules relative to each other and to the photosensory modules. For phytochromes bearing histidine kinase output modules, such light-driven rearrangements could then alter autophosphorylation in trans across the phytochrome dimer. In this manner, phytochromes may resemble the phototropin family of photoreceptors, which couples flavin photochemistry to selective destabilization of a helical contact adjacent to the photosensory domain and finally to activation of the appended output kinase29. Because the PYP family of photoreceptors may work by a similar light-triggered conformational switch30, our model for phytochromes provides further support for the notion that light-induced conformational changes are fundamental for photoactivated signaling.

The Phytochrome System and the Red/Far-Red Response
The phytochromes are a family of chromoproteins with a linear tetrapyrrole chromophore, similar to the ringed tetrapyrrole light-absorbing head group of chlorophyll. Phytochromes have two photo-interconvertible forms: Pr and Pfr. Pr absorbs red light (~667 nm) and is immediately converted to Pfr. Pfr absorbs far-red light (~730 nm) and is quickly converted back to Pr. Absorption of red or far-red light causes a massive change to the shape of the chromophore, altering the conformation and activity of the phytochrome protein to which it is bound. Pfr is the physiologically-active form of the protein; exposure to red light yields physiological activity in the plant. Exposure to far-red light converts the Pfr to the inactive Pr form, inhibiting phytochrome activity. Together, the two forms represent the phytochrome system .

Phytochrome system
The biologically-inactive form of phytochrome (Pr) is converted to the biologically-active form Pfr under illumination with red light. Far-red light and darkness convert the molecule back to the inactive form.

The phytochrome system acts as a biological light switch. It monitors the level, intensity, duration, and color of environmental light. The effect of red light is reversible by immediately shining far-red light on the sample, which converts the chromoprotein to the inactive Pr form. Additionally, Pfr can slowly revert to Pr in the dark or break down over time. In all instances, the physiological response induced by red light is reversed. The active form of phytochrome (Pfr) can directly activate other molecules in the cytoplasm, or it can be trafficked to the nucleus, where it directly activates or represses specific gene expression.

The Phytochrome System and Growth
Plants use the phytochrome system to grow away from shade and toward light. Unfiltered, full sunlight contains much more red light than far-red light. Any plant in the shade of another plant will be exposed to red-depleted, far-red-enriched light because the other plant has absorbed most of the other red light. The exposure to red light converts phytochrome in the shaded leaves to the Pr (inactive) form, which slows growth. The leaves in full sunlight are exposed to red light and have activated Pfr, which induces growth toward sunlit areas. Because competition for light is so fierce in a dense plant community, those plants who could grow toward light the fastest and most efficiently became the most successful.

The Phytochrome System in Seeds
In seeds, the phytochrome system is used to determine the presence or absence of light, rather than the quality. This is especially important in species with very small seeds and, therefore, food reserves. For example, if lettuce seedlings germinated a centimeter under the soil surface, the seedling would exhaust its food resources and die before reaching the surface. A seed will only germinate if exposed to light at the surface of the soil, causing Pr to be converted to Pfr, signaling the start of germination. In the dark, phytochrome is in the inactive Pr form so the seed will not germinate.

Plants also use the phytochrome system to adjust growth according to the seasons. Photoperiodism is a biological response to the timing and duration of dark and light periods. Since unfiltered sunlight is rich in red light, but deficient in far-red light, at dawn, all the phytochrome molecules in a leaf convert to the active Pfr form and remain in that form until sunset. Since Pfr reverts to Pr during darkness, there will be no Pfr remaining at sunrise if the night is long (winter) and some Pfr remaining if the night is short (summer). The amount of Pfr present stimulates flowering, setting of winter buds, and vegetative growth according to the seasons.

In addition, the phytochrome system enables plants to compare the length of dark periods over several days. Shortening nights indicate springtime to the plant; lengthening nights indicate autumn. This information, along with sensing temperature and water availability, allows plants to determine the time of the year and adjust their physiology accordingly. Short-day (long-night) plants use this information to flower in the late summer and early fall when nights exceed a critical length (often eight or fewer hours). Long-day (short-night) plants flower during the spring when darkness is less than a critical length (often 8 to 15 hours). However, day-neutral plants do not regulate flowering by day length. Not all plants use the phyotochrome system to adjust their physiological responses to the seasons.

Source: Boundless. “The Phytochrome System and Red Light Response.” Boundless Biology. Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 11 Oct. 2015 from

Phytochrome is a photoreceptor, a pigment that plants, and some bacteria and fungi, use to detect light. It is sensitive to light in thered and far-red region of the visible spectrum. Many flowering plants use it to regulate the time of flowering based on the length of day and night (photoperiodism) and to set circadian rhythms. It also regulates other responses including the germination of seeds(photoblasty), elongation of seedlings, the size, shape and number of leaves, the synthesis of chlorophyll, and the straightening of the epicotyl or hypocotyl hook of dicot seedlings. It is found in the leaves of most plants.
Here's an article that claims a 17% increase in yield!

There is merit to phytochrome manipulation and I keep some 10 watt 740nm LEDs around just for this reason.

Phytochrome manipulationis well known in photobiology.

What is phytochrome manipulation?

Here's the gist of it: we both know that cannabis needs a 12/12 lighting cycle to intitate and maintain flowering/budding. But, cannabis plants will actually bud out in a 14/10 lighting cycle (14 hours of light with 10 hours of darkness each day) - the catch is that it takes longer for the plant to ripen so in the end you gain nothing.

Now onto phytochrome manipulation.

From wikipedia on phytochromes:

Phytochrome is a photoreceptor, apigment that plants use to detect light. It is sensitive to light in the red and far-redregion of the visible spectrum. Manyflowering plants use it to regulate the time of flowering based on the length of day and night (photoperiodism) and to setcircadian rhythms. It is found in the leaves of most plants.

Other plant photoreceptors include cryptochromes and phototropins, which are sensitive to light in the blue and ultra-violet regions of the spectrum.

Phytochromes can be manipulated with far red light to produce unique results that benefit the cannabis grower. By using far red light at the end of that 14/10 cycle, it forces a plant to "sleep" immediately so it doesn't take any longer to ripen.

The net result is about 17% greater yield.

The phytochrome protein group (there's 5 known so far, Phy A-E, the E version plays a different role than the other 4) plays a dominate role in the circadian rhythm of plants along with another vital protein, CONSTANS. Together they form a protein based clock. The clock is actually located in the leaves. When the light is at proper timing they release another protein, FLOWERING_LOCUS-T, which travels through the plant's phloem to shoot tips that then causes another protein to be expressed, FLOWERING_LOCUS-D. This initiates the flowering process in the shoot tip through a few other proteins (I forgot their names off the top of my head).

This is all known as the florigen hypothesis.

Long day and short day plants react just the opposite to phytochrome manipulation. Where as high red, low far red light stimulates flowering in long day plants, it's just the opposite in short day plants like cannabis.

I'm not sure anyone in the cannabis community realizes this, or why calling a red-only LED grow light a "bloom booster" is incorrect for short day plants.

If anything, yellow/green is a bloom booster which is why HPS works so well for flowering with cannabis.

I myself use the phytochrome manipulation trick as well as some other tricks to increase yields above normal. I've hit 3.4 oz per square foot in soil with a low yielding indica using every lighting trick in the book in a test chamber including SLT. Perhaps more using hydro.
Reddit's Take on it:

I've gotten several PMs from users I am pretty sure are LED grow light manufacturers politely telling me to shut the fuck up, so I am going to do the exact opposite. I want to cover two issues in this post. First, I want to explain what the Emerson Effect is and how it relates to grow light LEDs. Then, I want to discuss phytochrome and the implication. Last, I'll summarize what you need to know about far red pigments when choosing LED lights.

The Emerson Effect: Back in 1957, Robert Emerson and his colleagues figured out that PSI and PSII used two different photons of two different wavelengths. The way they did this was they used a mercury halide lamp and filters to supply choroplasts (isolated in solution) with light that was 0-660nm or 680+nm or both. What they found was the plants that received 0-660nm light didn't do especially well, the plants that got 680+ did even worse, but the plants that got the full spectrum did quite well. Further researchers were able to isolate this auxiliary pigment down to 685+ and eventually to exaclty 700 nanometers being the key wavelength of light being utilized by a secondary photosynthesis group. PS1 and PS2, the two main reaction centers of photosynthesis, it turns out, have two protein groups named P680 and P700. P680 oxidizes strongly (most of the oxygen produced by a plant is via P680 splitting water molecules to replenish the electron it excited and passed along via the 680nm photon) and P700 reduces strongly (responsible for the production of ATP). What is often misinterpreted about Emerson's work is that he used a low-pass filter for the long wavelength light, and so people tend to point to wikipedia and say "he used greater than 680nm light, so far red and infrared are included."

This is not entirely accurate. Emerson, and follow up research in the early 60's, all acknowledged that photosynthesis drops off VERY rapidly above 700nm (see Figure 1 in this paper by Emerson), and quantum yield at 710nm is typically charted around 10% or less of quantum yield at 660nm, and 1% at 720. It tails off to a negligible number beyond that. A couple people have pointed to an article from 1964 that suggests the Emerson Effect was shown at a wavelength of 721 or 730nm (see Table 1). Actually the more important figure from this paper is Figure 2, which shows the photosynthesis rapidly dropping off when long wavelength light is used, but the addition of 653nm light can counter this drop off. (Side note: Emerson did most of his research on aquatic algae and not land plants!) In fact, Emerson's research from 1957 to 1959 focused on "greater than 685nm" being the wavelengths that appeared to be key for this enhancement effect. He honestly didn't know the activation wavelength of P700 before he died in a plane crash in 1959.

Let me sum up: the two reaction centers of land-based plant photosynthesis are P680 and P700. These two reaction centers have peak absorbancy at photons 680nm and 700nm. While there is a absorption "band" and not a single line on the absorption chart, it tails off extremely rapidly for both, and most photobiologists and photomorphogenicists agree that >710nm light is not efficiently used by plants for photosynthesis at all. The Emerson Effect, if you'll forgive the oversimplification, is just the realization by plant scientists that plants must use both PS1 and PS2 simultaneously to a higher efficiency than if the plant used one of those reaction centers alone. There is not really an "enhancement" as much as without both P680 and P700 working together you get a serious degradation in photosynthesis efficiency.

Phytochrome: There is, however, a use for far red light in the neighborhood of 735-740nm. Phytochrome is a photo-receptive protein used by land plants for photoperiodism, that is, to tell the difference between night and day. When phytochrome (Pr) get hit with a red photon, it converts to its other state, Pfr. If the Pfr gets hit with a far red photon, it converts back to Pr. Because there is a decent amount of far red radiation during night and little or no red, plants can tell the time, basically, by checking their internal ratio of Pr to Pfr. We can cheat this system in an indoor grow using LEDs. For short-day plants like cannabis, exposure to a quick shot (5 minutes) of far red light after the regular grow light is off can convince the plant night has started faster than it would normally convince itself. People have and do use this technique to flower cannabis on a 13.5/10.5 schedule instead of the usual 12/12. It gives them a couple extra hours of photosynthesis a day during flowering.
However, what is critical to know is that the far red wavelength, 735-740nm, only does this accelerated night time effect if it is on when the rest of the lights are off, so it makes zero sense - in terms of phytochrome - to include 730+nm LEDs in a regular light.
edit: /u/SuperAngryGuy passed along to me this powerpoint which does a great job of explaining basic phytochrome activity in land plants.

To conclude: I am not sure where the idea began that 720-730nm light was what causes Emerson Effect, the wide body of research shows clearly that it is the activation of P680 and P700 by light at or below 700nm. The same LED manufacturers that point to the chlorophyll absorption chart to explain why they use reds and blues in their fixtures also IGNORE the chart when explaining the presence of 720nm light in their fixtures. It's a real cognitive dissonance. If you want to accelerate your night time effect using 720nm LEDs immediately after turning off the main light, I recommend starting in a spacebucket, with one plant, until you've gotten the hang of how much regular light you can get away with and still keep your plant in flower.

As always, I welcome questions, comments, and dissents. And above all, I welcome peer-reviewed research that proves me wrong.
Ed Rosenthal Says IR can be used instead of a dark period, period:

Dear Ed,

First, let me thank you for your informative book. About your section on photoperiodism: I am flowering out a spring crop in California in a greenhouse. The hours are 12/12 now and I was wondering your thoughts on the use of 730nm far-red light instead of pulling a tarp. Is this even possible?



Dear Geoff,

The short answer to your question is yes.

The chromaprotein that plants use, phytochrome, to determine flowering is a “dimer.” It has two versions, an “on” and an “off” version which are switched on and off by light. When subject to red light the dimer stays in the “off” position. When red light (660-680 nm) ceases, gradually over a 2 hour period it turns to its active state, which forces the plants into flowering.

Far red light (730nm) has the opposite effect. When plants are exposed to it in darkness the dimer immediately becomes active, or “on.” If a far-red light is shined over the plants immediately after dusk or the lights are turned out it saves 2 hours of dark time that the dimer would spend in transition. If the plants are receiving 9 hours of darkness and 15 hours of light outdoors, and the far-red light is shined on the plants immediately after dusk, it is like adding 2 hours to the dark period, giving the plants the equivalent of 11 hours of darkness, long enough to force flowering.

Far-red LEDs can be special ordered, this will not work unless the light is truly “far-red” or 730nm.
Be Careful with IR, as always, burns are possible, and more:

IR is found in many industrial settings including steel mills, textiles, paper and glass manufacturing, or where lasers, arc lamps or electric radiant heaters are used. IR waves are located between microwaves and visible light on the EMR spectrum. IR has a range of wavelengths, with near infrared being the closest in wavelength to visible light, and “far infrared” closer to the microwave region. Near infrared waves are short and not hot — in fact you cannot even feel them — which is what makes them particularly dangerous to susceptible tissues, such as skin and eyes.

Skin exposed to IR provides a warning mechanism against thermal effect in the form of pain. Eyes, on the other hand, may not. Since the eye cannot detect IR, blinking or closing the eyes to help prevent or reduce damage may not happen. IR, particularly IR-A or near IR [700nm-1400nm], raises the internal temperature of the eye, essentially “baking” it. Medical studies indicate that prolonged IR exposure can lead to lens, cornea and retina damage, including cataracts, corneal ulcers and retinal burns, respectively. To help protect against long-term IR exposure, workers can wear products with IR filters or reflective coatings.

The Standard provides requirements for welding and infrared filters, including exact product markings required for specific filtering claims. This makes the selection of appropriate PPE a bit easier for those trained in the use of TLVs, such as an industrial hygienist.

The Standard does not, however, provide requirements for IR reflectance. While the North American market offers reflective-coated products designed for use in elevated temperatures (ET), many times these are mistakenly used only to help prevent worker heat stress. Unfortunately, ET conditions also lend themselves for likely long-term IR exposure. Because there are no Standard requirements for IR reflectance, there is no way within the Standard to substantiate claims that such visors reflect IR. However, the European Standard (EN166, 7.3.3), offers an “R” mark to substantiate claims of “enhanced reflectance in the infrared.” An “R” mark on a visor signifies that the mean spectral reflectance of IR between 780nm–2000nm (i.e., the amount reflected from the protector) is >60%. So, it might be wise to check products for EN markings, as well as to request certification/test data for such claims for those products not marked with EN166 “R” marks.
Hi @Gabe
I like the info...very nice, thanks for summing it all up and sharing with everybody.

Far red light, by stimulating phytochrome plays a important role in flowering we learnt,
just one thing.... this is AFN after all.
phytochrome acts as a biological clock to help plants determine if days are getting longer or shorter...which tells them when to flower.

Applying this technique to autoflowers could be something very my opinion
(i'll research later, dont actually know what part of the ruderalis causes the auto flower trait....interesting!)

My theory...please correct me if im wrong
Because the genetics in autoflowers contain some part of the ruderalis family, these have a very different flowering system compared to photoperiods.
They dont care about length of day.. it is likely they have phytochrome playing some role in their flowering mechanism but in such a way that it overrules the photoperiod sensitive trait.

Far red light may still help the plant to make a smoother switch at dusk...when you switch off the light .But it will probably be less effective with "boosting flowering" in autoflowers because they already have some mechanism like a standard higher fytochrome at certain level to be able to flower.

The fact some people are growing autoflowers on a 24/0 schedule sort of proves to me that they dont even need this dark period. Those plants flower without the far red light being dominant over the red light at any period of time. So there must be some other system at work here.

Im eager to hear what you think.
