Live Stoners Introduction to AFN


Hits from the bong
Nov 22, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow, Great Shark, Ak47
Hello everyone, my name's TehSnow and I'm a hobby grower from Europe. I have one AF grow succesfully behind me and I'm starting a new one, and this time I finally decided to make an account on here :^).

I browsed a lot of forums, including this one, and it took me like a month or so to soak up all the information needed to get started but a lot of people here inspired me and their helpful posts and grow journals helped me shape some of my decisions.

P.S. I just wanted to ask whether should I post my already finished grow (documented - photos) and the stats into a grow journal or a showcase...?
Hello everyone, my name's TehSnow and I'm a hobby grower from Europe. I have one AF grow succesfully behind me and I'm starting a new one, and this time I finally decided to make an account on here :^).

I browsed a lot of forums, including this one, and it took me like a month or so to soak up all the information needed to get started but a lot of people here inspired me and their helpful posts and grow journals helped me shape some of my decisions.

P.S. I just wanted to ask whether should I post my already finished grow (documented - photos) and the stats into a grow journal or a showcase...?
Hey snow! Welcome to AFN! Glad or community has been such a big help! In sure everyone would love to see your prior grow and there will be tons of followers to visit the new one as well. We really do love this growing stuff around here!!! Lol so weighing my friend! Can't wait to watch you progress as a grower! If you need anything give me a shout and I'd be more than happy to help where I can!
Welcome to afn! I can tell you from experience you won't find a better forum.

It would be great to post your grow, you can show off your hard work and could even pick up some good pointers as well. Journals are very helpful to the community and the journalist so fire it off. Posting a link here would be helpful.
Welcome by happy to have you. If you have any questions just tag me like this @Ripper and I will come running to help
Thanks ya'll, what a warm welcome! I already made a review on here if anyone's interested.
Hey great to meet you! Good luck on all of your grows!
@TehSnow ,:welcome: lets smoke one:pass:,i saw you in the Zambeza interview yesterday??awesome that you are making your way to the different threads/forums,we have something to offer to everybody,if you ever have any ?? just ask...
@TehSnow ,:welcome: lets smoke one:pass:,i saw you in the Zambeza interview yesterday??awesome that you are making your way to the different threads/forums,we have something to offer to everybody,if you ever have any ?? just ask...

Just had a whole bowl just to myself man. Thanks! I'm looking up the good stuff and I also helped a guy with pH prob.
Just had a whole bowl just to myself man. Thanks! I'm looking up the good stuff and I also helped a guy with pH prob.
Awesome !! Sharing info and the friendly vibe is what we are all about ,heres a :slap: for helping another member!! Peace