Photoperiod Inside With 818 Headband

Thanks man . she was a pretty plant but is lacking in the smell and taste department . this is what is driving me to run photos. I'm looking for LOUD. I ran photos once before and the terps and smells were much better.

I fell in love with photos....ran them once and never looked back at autos. I mean autos will get the job done but nothing like photos.
Okay here were are day 1 of week 3 flowering. This girl is on cruise control at the moment nothing to report yesterday she was given plan water feeding. Also the super cropped clone is showing a little root touching the inside wall of the clear cup. I guess my buddy was right that's 4 for 4. Anyways lets look at a few shots of the young lady and her 4 clones.

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So you just put those clones straight into soil? Did you have to do anything else? What kind of light are you running for the cuts?
So you just put those clones straight into soil? Did you have to do anything else? What kind of light are you running for the cuts?
yes they were all started straight in the promix. Spray them 2xs a day that's it just that simple they are sat on a seedling heating pad. running all 4 under a single 32 watt day light bulb, Been trying to keep them small until I figure out what I am doing with them
Today is week 4 of flower. She is doing fine,I'm not pulling her out the tent for pictures today. I will get some up of her this weekend. but this is just for my records of her flowering age.
Here we are at 4 weeks flowering. She was given a feeding about a hour ago. She was given CalMag @ 5ml, Kushie Kush and Big Bud @ 8ml. I had a bottle of Humboldt County's Own Gravitation G10. I added 5ml of that, and 16ml of Connoisseur A, 16ml of Connoisseur B. And lastly Carboload @8ml. The fan leaves blocking bud sites were removed this week.

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