Live Stoner Chat Inexperienced Owl

Welcome in Mr. Owl, to AFN. I myself am a gardener for many years. I sell organic heirloom tomatoes to local stores, in very limited quantities. More of a boutique market. Your reasoning was the same as mine. No need to grow the best produce in the region and be purchasing herb from the local vagabond. At any rate, although I am sure you have extensive knowledge in horticulture, it always helps to have experienced growers you can pose questions to. I suggest you put up a grow journal in the New Grower's Forum and document it regularly. It always serves two purposes, it is easy to look back on after your grow and see where you could have made improvements and it helps experienced growers comment should you have any mishaps along the way. Best of luck in your endeavors!

Hello cheeky ^_^ I like your name!!

Welcome t the forums buddy :) I'm not much of a scientist myself, but there are plenty here that have the knowledge! Also a good few people growing their own food here too. It seems strange that the longer I grow, the more stuff I want to grow. I'm currently looking after pansies, rosemary, chives, a few jasmine plants and a hanging basket :)

I can't live of it... But it's a start hehe

Give us a holler is you need some help or a point in the right direction

All the best
Blue ^_^
WHO, ?

:peace:Welcome to AFN

Cause owls say who, get it?
Correct this is owl talk, however, the full expression is twit twhoo :)

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, just about to head over to the new growers forum and start my first diary!
I assume a tootsie pop is an icecream / ice lolly? Being an owl I'd just peck it to shit and make a mess :)

I read this earlier whilst on a coffee break at work, you made said coffee come out my nose with laughter! Thanks for that cheekyOwl! Welcome to the site mate, your humour will fit right in here! Enjoy the good vibes if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. You're attitude towards posting pics wether good or bad is spot on too, i'm sure you're just being humble and you'll produce some lovely girls but you're right, we're all at different levels in our growing experience and for the novices like myself it's helpful to see not only the super successful grows but also the ones a par with someone like myself. Looking forward to reading your posts and seeing your pics. :tiphat:
Welcome Mr. Owl!! Lady Rebel and I are HUGE Owl lovers. You will see me rotate owl avatars in and out... I'm known for it! :D Matter of fact we were discussing respective Owl Tattoos today... I might fancy a half sleeve on my left arm of an owl with it's wings spread in flight...:smokebuds: Sorry for the ramble... That's the S.A.D. talking! styles rasta
thanks ska that was real nice mate.

everybody loves owls rebel, fact :) the blue cfl I'm using was marketed as being for s.a.d. , could try just sitting in the tent for bit, if nothing else the aroma would be cheerful :)