Indoor Tent Grow - Advice Needed Please

Sep 18, 2019
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Hi everyone! Glad to be here!

Planning to run Mephisto autos under a 600w or 1000w HPS inside a 1.2x1.2x2m tent.
Soil most likely but considering coco/perlite mix. Just a hassle cos hand watering is the only option for this run.
TT 150 pro 6” inline with 6" carbon filter. Will have a cheap speed controller, if it hums will upgrade and invest. Passive intake.
Outside air humidity is generally 70-80% humidty and temps are consistently between 28-35c year around. Welcome to the equator! :D
In the room the tent stands I will run AC 24/7 on 18-22c. I will extract air from tent into an unused bathroom which has an open window.
Not super experienced and not looking to top/lst etc any of my plants and just want to keep it simple.
I will use biotab’s for the nutes (as recommended by Mephisto), probably the full recommended range.
I am equally interested in yield as I am quality of finished product.

  1. Would you run a 600w or 1000w HPS. Worried about temps but with aircon in room tent stands in should be under control?
  2. Looking for high yielding, tasty, not too stinky when growing and resilient/forgiving under stressful conditions. Which Mephisto strains would you recommend?
  3. How many plants and what pot size? (hand water in soil or coco/perlite)
  4. Is the https://www.mephistogenetics.CO.UK website legit?
  5. Any other recommendations overall?
If that tent is nearly a 4x4, you can run 4 plants with some space between them, more if you want more of a jungle situation.
Soil will certainly be less watering than coco. Wait until soil has dried out and water. Easy.
Is there a reason why you don't want led lights for less heat throw? The Autocob (built my AFN member) is a great cob light. No noise as there is no fan. Low electrical draw. Small and easy to move. Bright as the sun. I have 6.
I've used 3 & 5 gallon Airpots and 3 and 5 gallon fabric pots in Coco Loco/perlite or rice hulls. Bigger pots will give less days watering. Sounds like soil is what you want at this juncture.
1- I'd go with 600w..

2- Based on the questions, I'm assuming this is your first, or one of your first grows. If thats the case, I would not concern myself with yield just yet. Poor growing will reduce the yield of any plant. Pick a strain that you will really want to grow out. Mephisto has lots to choose from!

3. As many as you can properly care for, in whatever size pots you feel like regularly hand watering. Max I'd go is 4 plants in 5 gal pots. And even 5 gal is too much. Autos dont like long enough for the roots to wrap around a 5 gal pot. I'd recommend starting with 2-3 plants in 3 gal pots.

4. Yes.

5. Have Fun! Learn to love the process as much as the outcome!
Hi everyone! Glad to be here!

Planning to run Mephisto autos under a 600w or 1000w HPS inside a 1.2x1.2x2m tent.
Soil most likely but considering coco/perlite mix. Just a hassle cos hand watering is the only option for this run.
TT 150 pro 6” inline with 6" carbon filter. Will have a cheap speed controller, if it hums will upgrade and invest. Passive intake.
Outside air humidity is generally 70-80% humidty and temps are consistently between 28-35c year around. Welcome to the equator! :D
In the room the tent stands I will run AC 24/7 on 18-22c. I will extract air from tent into an unused bathroom which has an open window.
Not super experienced and not looking to top/lst etc any of my plants and just want to keep it simple.
I will use biotab’s for the nutes (as recommended by Mephisto), probably the full recommended range.
I am equally interested in yield as I am quality of finished product.

  1. Would you run a 600w or 1000w HPS. Worried about temps but with aircon in room tent stands in should be under control?
  2. Looking for high yielding, tasty, not too stinky when growing and resilient/forgiving under stressful conditions. Which Mephisto strains would you recommend?
  3. How many plants and what pot size? (hand water in soil or coco/perlite)
  4. Is the https://www.mephistogenetics.CO.UK website legit?
  5. Any other recommendations overall?

I highly recommend using the KISS method for a few grows.
Topping and LST are completely unnecessary, and natural growing usually leads to huge central colas, and lots of side branches.
But the minor LSTing of bending/tying branches slightly to expose the plant trunk to more light, coupled with leaf tucking can accomplish a lot.

1. You probably won't need an AC with LEDs, so I'd recommend not using HPS.
2. The mephisto website lists strain heights and yields, which should allow picking a high yielding auto.
3. I'd say 4 plants, but don't know anything about pot size as a hydro grower.
4. The website is legit. There are also UK, Canadian, and WorldWide sites.
5. Don't over-feed. Optimal food, which usually means less, can produce better quality and bigger yield. I have a stunted plant that just couldn't handle even light feeding, and it won't yield much.

Our weeds love the high humidity recommended by the Vapor Pressure Deficit chart. Subtract about 3 C from air temp, then stay in the green.
If that tent is nearly a 4x4, you can run 4 plants with some space between them, more if you want more of a jungle situation.
Soil will certainly be less watering than coco. Wait until soil has dried out and water. Easy.
Is there a reason why you don't want led lights for less heat throw? The Autocob (built my AFN member) is a great cob light. No noise as there is no fan. Low electrical draw. Small and easy to move. Bright as the sun. I have 6.
I've used 3 & 5 gallon Airpots and 3 and 5 gallon fabric pots in Coco Loco/perlite or rice hulls. Bigger pots will give less days watering. Sounds like soil is what you want at this juncture.

Agreed about watering. I think this is why I will go the soil route.

I have considered LED however due to location/import duty my options are limited. I do have access to the Bestva and King Plus LED (1200-3000W). Thoughts?

Was thinking of running 9 total (3 each) in 3 gallon pots: Northern Cheese Haze, Double grape, White Crack but everyone seems to be recommending 2-4 plants in a 4x4 space. This is far less than I had expected (as noted above). I plan to dial in my grow environment for several days to a week, measuring temps and humidities and making sure everything is good to go before starting etc. Is the 2-3 plants based off grow space or because i am relatively new to this? (have done 2 small grows before without many issues).
1- I'd go with 600w..

2- Based on the questions, I'm assuming this is your first, or one of your first grows. If thats the case, I would not concern myself with yield just yet. Poor growing will reduce the yield of any plant. Pick a strain that you will really want to grow out. Mephisto has lots to choose from!

3. As many as you can properly care for, in whatever size pots you feel like regularly hand watering. Max I'd go is 4 plants in 5 gal pots. And even 5 gal is too much. Autos dont like long enough for the roots to wrap around a 5 gal pot. I'd recommend starting with 2-3 plants in 3 gal pots.

4. Yes.

5. Have Fun! Learn to love the process as much as the outcome!

Thank you for the advice! I am definitely looking forward to it and will approach with a lot of care. Only curious why you recommend o few a plants? Not looking to overdo it as you suggested but was basing my estimates from the Mephisto Strain guide. i.e. 1.2x1.x1.2m = 9 plants.
I highly recommend using the KISS method for a few grows.
Topping and LST are completely unnecessary, and natural growing usually leads to huge central colas, and lots of side branches.
But the minor LSTing of bending/tying branches slightly to expose the plant trunk to more light, coupled with leaf tucking can accomplish a lot.

1. You probably won't need an AC with LEDs, so I'd recommend not using HPS.
2. The mephisto website lists strain heights and yields, which should allow picking a high yielding auto.
3. I'd say 4 plants, but don't know anything about pot size as a hydro grower.
4. The website is legit. There are also UK, Canadian, and WorldWide sites.
5. Don't over-feed. Optimal food, which usually means less, can produce better quality and bigger yield. I have a stunted plant that just couldn't handle even light feeding, and it won't yield much.

Our weeds love the high humidity recommended by the Vapor Pressure Deficit chart. Subtract about 3 C from air temp, then stay in the green.

Thank you! Yes, some simple lower leaf tucking and minor branch bending is the max i will prob consider for this grow. In the meantime, i can read up about some LST and consider for my next time. I am considering adding a net though. Maybe not with 4 plants but i was considering this if growing more plants to control the space as you have suggested above.

Very helpful chart about humidity and I will def come back to this once testing the conditions in my tent. Again may I briefly ask why you recommend only 4 plants, rather than 6-9?

I had assumed the Biotabs route would be a simple method so opted for this route as recommended by Mephisto. Biotabs already on the way. Boiotabs, Startrex, Mycotrex, Orgatrex and Bactrex.
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If HPS is your only option, the 600 will cover ok, and be much less heat than the thouie. Run a cool tube. In one side of the tent, thru the light and out the other.

LED is the obvious answer here, but can see your issues.

Possible your capable of DIY? (Really pretty simple) You might be able to source parts easier than full light assemblies. For me it's the energy savings, but the heat benefits for you will be major.

This is 4 mephistos in a 4x4... strain choice is important
If HPS is your only option, the 600 will cover ok, and be much less heat than the thouie. Run a cool tube. In one side of the tent, thru the light and out the other.

LED is the obvious answer here, but can see your issues.

Possible your capable of DIY? (Really pretty simple) You might be able to source parts easier than full light assemblies. For me it's the energy savings, but the heat benefits for you will be major.

This is 4 mephistos in a 4x4... strain choice is important
View attachment 1105119

Thanks for the input! Agreed on 600W. I am trying to source one instead of the 1000W. I wonder also if i can only source a 1000W HPS, then will the aircon built into room tent stands in be able to handle the temps. I guess only only way to find out!

Those girls look very pretty! Which four strains are they please?

I just noted above the 3 strains I planned to run. Maybe I am planning too many pots/strains for my 4x4 space area.
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I've run 1000s. In a basement in a fairly cool state, a/c dedicated to the room... ran 24/7. You'll need two inlines, one to take cool air to the tent, and one thru the light and out.
perth aquaponics - cool tube reflector 490mm-500x500.jpg