Live Stoner Chat I'm not a Female

:crying: shait, i almost swollowed my early evening J :smokeit:
im in the same boat you are...everyone thinks im a guy but i am a girl through and through. :dancer: doesn't bug me much just laugh it off.
Pictures can be deceiving.


Is GoAuto hot or what

Yeah, my thing for curvy redheads just went into overdrive. I think something broke nammys Horney
No Sexism in this family :D both are kapable for green thumbs and :vibe: sharing :D im glad theire is a nice mix of both princes and princesses :group: Coolio
Yeah, my thing for curvy redheads just went into overdrive. I think something broke nammys Horney

she looks great , but what color is her thumb ? surely it wouldnt be green ???

peace Cool:
Bro.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:i grew up watching star track so for me green girls normal
Hello, good to know! Anywho glad your here with us!