Indoor I’m Back: Mephisto Bluetoof Special and Cosmic Queen - 1 Liter Soilless Hempy


User of Too Many Words
May 5, 2017
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It’s been a very long while since I’ve posted anything around here. I’ve moved, changed career fields and been busy as hell. I apologize for my absence. The Double Grape from my DWC experiment is just about to run out, plus I need a quarantine stash, so here I am.

Here’s the setup:

Tent: Gorilla 2’x2.5’x7’
Lights: 2x60W Autocobs from running - to start - on a 24/0 schedule
Medium: Soilless - 3:1 mix of perlite to vermiculite
Pots: 2x1L soda bottles wrapped in black tape hempy bucket style - hole is approximately 2” up the side of the bottle
Nutes: Mega Crop - I’m going to try to run 3g/gal for the whole run to keep it simple, but I will adjust as necessary

Yesterday, I dropped 2 Bluetoof Special and 2 Cosmic Queen beans into coco pucks. i will pick the best one from each strain and run with it. I will start posting photos once I have something to photograph.

Feel free to drop comments or questions.
Today is what I’m calling Day 1 for a Cosmic Queen and a Blue Toof Special. I topped off the bottles with coco to help hold the seed starting plugs in place. I also dropped one FastBuds Blue Dream’matic and a Mephisto Creme De La Chem. I am growing the two new ones in hydroton layered with coco -also hempy style bottles. As usual, I am amazed at how small they start out. So far, I’m just giving everything a little splash of water.

Cosmic Queen

Blue Toof Special

Feel free to drop any comments or questions.

Happy growing everyone!
Today is Day 6. Everything seems to be going swimmingly for the most part. The Creme De La Chem has popped up and is only a couple of days behind the Cosmic Queen and the Blue Toof Special. The FastBuds Blue Dream’matic that I planted doesn’t seem like it’s going to pop up above ground. I’m going to give it until tomorrow afternoon, then I’m going to soak another seed - probably a Strawberry Nuggets or Purple Nuggets (So many choices - I know...first world problems).

Cosmic Queen

Blue Toof Special

Creme De La Chem

Whole Tent


As usual...feel free to drop comments or questions. And happy growing everyone.
The FastBuds Blue Dream’matic is a no-show. I removed it from the tent today. i opened up the jiffy pellet and saw a mutant seedling twisting round and round in a loose ball. I have decided not to replace it. I am going to wait until the three remaining plants are finished and then grow the Strawberry Nuggets or Purple Nuggets in a 3 liter bottle.

Everything else looks to be fine and on track.

From here on out, I will update this journal on Wednesdays and Saturdays unless something unforeseen happens.
Day 10.

Things are moving right along. The Cosmic Queen is the biggest gal in the tent at this point. She got off to the earliest start and hasn’t relented. The Blue Toof Special is starting to lean and may need a little extra fan to help strengthen her main stem.

I started feeding all of the plants with a solution of 3 grams/gallon of Greenleaf Nutrients Megacrop. Each bottle is getting 125 ml in the morning and then again in the evening. My intent is not to fiddle too much with that amount unless I see something telling me to increase or decrease it. So far, I am not using a Cal/Mag, but I will change that if I need to. I may also add Sweet Candy at 1 gram/gallon during flower, but, again, I’ve not convinced myself yet that I’ll need to.

Without further ado, here are the pictures from the tent this morning.

Cosmic Queen

Blue Toof Special

Creme De La Chem

Whole Tent


As always, comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone.
Today is Day 13 and things are cruising right along. I am feeding the gals twice a day with 125 ml of a solution of 3 g/gal. of Mega Crop. I’m doing this not because they need that much water, but I want to prevent the solution the gathers in the bottom of the bottle from going stagnant and causing root rot. I moved the lights up about an inch and a half to keep them at 26 inches above the tops of the plants. I may drop some more coco on top of each bottle to replace the coco that’s started to settle into the bottle. Without further ado, here’s what we’ve got;

Cosmic Queen

Blue Toof Special

Creme De La Chem

Whole Tent


As always, comments and questions are welcome. And happy growing everyone.
Day 17. I have increased the amount of solution I’m feeding each bottle to 150 ml. At most, I think I’ll need to increase it to 200 or 250 ml because the size of the reservoir at the bottom of the bottle is only so big. If I need to, I will increase the frequency of feedings, but I think I have quite a bit of time to think about whether and when that will be necessary. Yesterday, I raised the lights 5 1/2 inches to keep them 24 inches above the top of the canopy. Everything looks fine to me so far. Without further ado:

Cosmic Queen

Blue Toof Special

Creme de la Chem

Whole Tent


As always, comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone.
They are looking really nice. Glad you are back and growing.

Day 17. I have increased the amount of solution I’m feeding each bottle to 150 ml. At most, I think I’ll need to increase it to 200 or 250 ml because the size of the reservoir at the bottom of the bottle is only so big. If I need to, I will increase the frequency of feedings, but I think I have quite a bit of time to think about whether and when that will be necessary. Yesterday, I raised the lights 5 1/2 inches to keep them 24 inches above the top of the canopy. Everything looks fine to me so far. Without further ado:

Cosmic Queen
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Blue Toof Special
View attachment 1179331
Creme de la Chem
View attachment 1179332
Whole Tent
View attachment 1179333
View attachment 1179334

As always, comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone.