Indoor IDS| Spanish Diesel, Yeti, Bud Cannon, Big Gun, PinkGrapeFruit

exceptional start dude nice healthy poppers
Quick Update: not much going on still working on roots at the moment, i say 1 more week we will looking at more upward growth. temps are 77-79F lights on and 74F lights off HR stays at 55%. No real nutes yet i did add a couple drops of Jumpstart to the last feed just to see if i see anything got a very small burn on the spanish diesel but the others took it well. i will not be adding nutes every feed until day 20 at least depends on how well they grow on thier own.
Pink Grapefruit Day 9 APG D9.jpg
Big Gun Day 9Big Gun D9.jpg
Bud Cannon Day 10Bud Cannon D10.jpg
Spanish Diesel Day 9SDiesel D9.jpg
Yeti Day 9Yeti D9.jpg
thanks for stopping by!
Quick Update: Things are going well, entering week 2 gave them all water today this will be the last time i give them plain water. Temps are 77-79F lights on and 73F lights off RH 55%. should start to see alot of growth in the next 2 weeks i hope one of them brakes my 2.5ft record for height!
Pink Grapefruit Day 13Pink Grapefruit Day 13.jpg
Auto Yeti Day 13Auto Yeti Day 13.jpg
Big Gun Day 13Big Gun Day 13.jpg

Bud Cannon Day 14 Bud Cannon Day 14.jpg
Spanish Diesel Day 13Spanish Diesel Day 13.jpg

Thanks for stopping by i've see alot of good things when it comes to these strains im happy to have them in my tent! :Sharing One:
Update: Day 20! would be day 21 for Bud Cannon but sadly i gave her the ax! she was starting to get strange patches and did look like she was going to have a unhealthy start so i got rid of her, but i will make sure to run another Bud Cannon my next run. The other girls are doing well all showed sex by day 17.
im still getting used to my new grow space(had to move to a different room of the house). They all got fed their first nutes yesterday and new growth looks regular and healthy so i think they may be in the clear of what ever it was that effected my Bud cannon. got the fresh plant smell coming off the girls, i love that smell it smells so green and full of life! time is going pretty fast for me with grow before i know it they will be in full flower, cant wait til that point. Pink-GPink G Day 20.jpgPink Grape 20.jpg
Auto YetiYeti D 20.jpgYeti Day 20.jpg
Big GunBig G D20.jpgBig G 20_2.jpg
Spanish DieselSD day 20.jpgSpanish Diesel Day 20.jpg
Thanks For stopping by:Sharing One:
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Update: All on day 25 Things are moving along nicely. :Sharing One:Feeding ½ strength nutes at the moment and they like it, I just feed the APG and SpanishD the first feed at ½ strength today so ill see tomorrow how they respond. Had some leaves going weird on me and I realized that I had not been adding cal-mag:no: so I fixed that with this feed for all of them.:grin: Started tucking leaves once they got to their 3 set of leaves and now doing some tie- backs or what i call NST (no stress training) let the lower branchs stretch up taller. Now i Got the BS 240 V2 running now with the other leds so they are getting full dose of light every day until the end. Here are some pics of the girls!

Pink Grapefruit the runt of the group but she is getting really bushy so im interested in what she will look like in a few weeks!Pinkg 2.jpgPinkg 5.jpg
Auto Yeti is and Big gun have to be my favorite 2 of this grow they both grow very nice and look both will yeild high!Yeti 1.jpgYeti 4.jpgYeti 5.jpg
Big Gun most hardy and my favorite of the bunch! gun2.jpggun3.jpggun5.jpg
Spanish DieselSdiesel 1.jpgSdiesel 2.jpgSdiesel3.jpg
Thanks For stopping by! "AFN smoke out"
Looking splendid across the board, my friend. :clap: :grin:
Ladies are looking great IDS.:Sharing One:
Your going to have some monsters on your hands shortly.