Sweet Seeds Identity Parade

Cheers mates!

So, from the Sweet Mix Auto package, right?

It's a bit hard to tell because it's a specific phenotype from one of the more than 20 possible strains. I know of strains that would very probably not show so many leaves, but then I also know of a few that could do that or that has phenotypes that could do that, such as Mohan Ram Auto, Big Devil Auto (any of the Big Devil Family), even SAD Auto of Sweet Special Auto.

These would be my first bets, but I recon that there are good chances I'm wrong, hehehe. Lets hope she turns purple at mid flowering, like that it would be easier to identify :D

Cheers and sweet smokes!

Ep what smell do you get on your hands after fondling her ?
Sniper, I do not fondle my young girls. lol

Tommy, I will post a photo near her chop time. that may help.

My nose is buggered so the smell is very subjective!

cheers m'dears eP.
For fecks sake. Ask a stoned mod and get a stoned answer.

It is a Disgrace eP..Absolute Disgrace....:no:..you would think we were on one of those damn Stoner sites...

Ah Wait.....We ARE...:Hookah:...TFFT.....

My nose is buggered so the smell is very subjective!

Ah...don't worry..that is just being in the Staffroom on a sunday morning when everyone has been out for a curry on Saturday night...:Passing Wind..:..singes the old nose hair..

Just open one of the windows and your sense of smell will return..

hecno..great photo..but site isn't letting me plus rep ATM....

"Mossy, I don't know how to say this, but I saw Marjorie around the corner from the office. Mutton dressed as lamb. Shouting "Hey boys, wanna get high?""

:jaw:...The Hussy......
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OK SS reps, here is another for you. Actually, I have sheep sheared it so it makes identity very hard. This plant was piss poor I am sorry to say. This is the entire plant minus its leaves. Three months to get one bud! It is as dense as a meerkat but not one I would ever purchase. But when you buy a mix pack and get the odd experimental strain, I can live with that. I am a fan of the Sweet Seeds stuff, but just not this one. Whatever it is. See for yourselves. This was in the same cupboard as my quite successful Big Daddy plants.


You can't win 'em all !

cheers, eP.
Hi epenguin ;)
the first plant could be Big Devil XL Auto® or any of the Big Devil Family as Tommy said.
I'm watching your second picture and it seems like you grew two plants in the same pot, it's that right mate?
Sweet smokes!
No, I cut the stem to trim it, then put it back to take the picture. But I can see why you asked. You are very observant !

cheers, eP.