Extraction I use coconut oil with powdered sunflower lecithin

My experience is that type of oil matters little.
I use olive or avocado for capsules because they are liquid at room temp, and can get better after soaking for awhile.
Coconut is good for baked goods because of its good flavor.

I've tried a few dozen infusion methods over the years, and have found nothing that works better than BrassNwood's method on GrassCity.
Here's a simplified version of it. The simplification is to leave out the freezing step.
1. Decarb herb @ 240 F for 40 min, or better yet use Ardent Lift.
2. Grind to fine powder.
3. Mix herb, oil, and lecithin using some multiple of this. This can be done with 1 gram.
(5 g Flower) + (5 g Lecithin) + (19 g Oil) = 33*(Size 00 caps) + (1 g waste)
4. Pre-heat mixture to 220 F on a stove top, then bake at that temp for 20-60 min. 60 min will be slightly sleepier than 20 min. Long infusion times work less well, because they degrade thc.
5. Size 00 capsules will hold 0.85 g each of this mixture, and will have about 20-25 mg thc. The mixture can also be used to make cookies and brownies.
I like to make rso then while still in the pot hot from burning off the EC I add a mix of mct and lecithin bind them together and put in caps. Really strong and easy.
I do not think there is a better or more efficient method for a home extraction than rosin. I have tried them all. Except BHO, hydrocarbons are totally off the list. I do still soak the left over chips in ethanol and evaporate that off but is is a very inferior product to rosin.

I then decarb the rosin and make into chocolates. This is a "whole plant" product with very little losses in the process and the effect and flavor are for the connoisseur. It is very easy to titrate because the actives content is consistent within the same strain gram for gram. Using an average 700mg per gram of actives is also fairly consistent accross strains in the tests I have read.

When I do make oil I use Coconut, olive oil and butter. These are all for cooking or salves.

This is a video I made about how I make my chocolates:

Awesome video M'OG!!!:slap: