Outdoor I saw a bug on my think different !!



Hi guys

I'm wrigting you because this morning I saw two bugs ( two tiny, little, orange worms ) crawling on my best beloved T D. Naturally i got them and killed them but i'm still worried.
She's the strongest baby that I'v got in my place and I don't wanna lose her.
The plant is 3/4 weeks old and it's not so big so i wonder if using pesticide it's not to dangerous.
Does everyone know how should I do?

Theres plenty of bugs out there, some are good and some bad which is the problem, i'd take a pic of the offender and see what the jury says ;-)
ok . As i've said i killed the two i saw on the little stem of my lil lady but if i see one again i'll take a picture of him. ty for the quick answer.
were they caterpillars? if they were look for eggs etc. look on undersides of leaves too
in fact i have the same fear. i saw some little black spot in the back sides of the leaves but they seems like ground. i put them off with a little stick. and also the edge of the first two leaves, not the rounded ones, is become of a greeen that is less dark than it was. Is it normal?
lighter green could be just a nitrogen deficiency starting. are you feeding them anything?
pictures are needed for any real diagnosis but id say either it needs a bit more N or it could be ph problems.

if you get a chance look for more of the black spots and take a pic of that and the whole plant and any problem/weird areas
make sure you check top and bottom of leaves as different insects go in different areas.

ladybugs are beneficial as they eat aphids etc, if you see any around throw them on your plant. they might not stay but if they do theyll guard it a little.

outdoors bugs are a given though it doesnt sound like its infested anyway just probably some passers by. keep a close eye on it and there are some insect repellants you could use. organic is usually recommended since we are smoking hte plant but early on it might not matter so much. i used a shop bought one and the whole plant drooped violently for a few days but that might have just been me. for safety i started blending up garlic, chillis, onions, anything spicy with some water strained added to sprayer bottle with a tiny drop of washing up liquid and sprayed down the plants this keeps bugs down (aphids atleast, others say to use neem oil but i have no experience with that. it doesnt sound bad anyway and i wouldnt do anything yet untill you know if there is a problem or not.
Thank you very much.
I put some horse dung on the top of the grounds and i'm prepairing a mixture for the transplanting with that dung and with a 6.0 ph soil. Now there aren't black spot but as soon as i can i'll send you a pic if it doesn't bother you. Thank you for all your precious advices.
cool do, if i cant help im sure someone will anyway.
im no organic grower but i think usually people let anything with manure in it sit for a few weeks atleast to let it break down a bit. it might be too hot/harsh for autos as they are very nute sensitive. if youre worried maybe ask in the fert/soil section. might be fine i just dont know myself.
6.5 is usually the recommended soil ph too for the best range of nutrients.
good luck :thumbs:
I saw again two little worms like 2 mm long and a half mm large and on the op leaves there are signs of some kind of saliva. please help!!