New Grower I only got 10 to 11 grams per plant on auto flower grow

Sep 8, 2016
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I grew auto flowers twice the first strain was a AK 47 auto i did under cfl mostly got like 10 grams on one plant. Then i tried one Fast and Vast under 400 w hps and got 11 grams on one plant. What am I doing wrong ? I did lst them was that it ?
I grew auto flowers twice the first strain was a AK 47 auto i did under cfl mostly got like 10 grams on one plant. Then i tried one Fast and Vast under 400 w hps and got 11 grams on one plant. What am I doing wrong ? I did lst them was that it ?
Journal your next grow on AFN. You'll triple that, with ease.
Ok which seeds or reputable source should be good to buy for another try. I'm doing a photo period and it seems to be doing well .
My last auto flower grow was fast and vast Heavy weight seeds. The root system was so small when i took it out .
I just want to give the auto flower a fair shot again . I have three 7 gallon smart pots going in 32x32 inch tent now .
Would probably do 4 pots with auto flower
you want smaller pots in that size tent, three gallon would be about perfect. Hard to tell you were you went wrong without details of the grow, but I suspect the number 1 new grower error, over watering, it would explain the small root system.

give us details of your grow and we can help you do better on the next. coco or soil? What nutrients? how often did you water? room temps /average, how high or low the light was, light schedule?

My last auto flower grow was fast and vast Heavy weight seeds. The root system was so small when i took it out .
I just want to give the auto flower a fair shot again . I have three 7 gallon smart pots going in 32x32 inch tent now .
Would probably do 4 pots with auto flower
Not sure what you did Holmes but I'm on my first auto grow while doing my first grow with 2x photo period plants I'm growing the autos in 3 gallon pots(short rider auto) and they are to be done tomorrow (6-8 weeks breeder says)but am letting them go for another 14-20 days but I will get much more then 10 grams....... here's a few pics from this morning

This is the top from the girl on the right

This is the top of the girl on the left

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Check out my first auto growHTTPS://
You can most defiantly get a lot more weight/plant. As Yeatster wrote, you can easily triple that.

My (imaginary evil twin sisters) last autoflower grow was also my first one, and my first indoor as well. 2x transplanting them before ending up in 3gal hempy pots. Messed up my ph then my nutrients but caught it quickly. Moved from a tent to a jury rigged hall closet because reasons. Then put them out on the deck a few hours a day for wind because I had poor ventilation in the closet. Then had to harvest a few days early due to a forest fire. After water curing I pulled 1oz bone dry per plant.

I am now a big fan of autoflower. So much less hassle for a personal, medicinal user!

Make no mistake, many of the members here are autoflower brainiacs and can help you tweak heavy weights out of a grow. But even if you stick to the bare bones you should get more than you did.

Looking at your pictures you did more work on bushing them out than I did. And I can see a fan going which I didn't have. Is your tent short and your light low? They look bushy but very short. It looks like you did more things right than I did but got less weight.:shrug:As others have mentioned a journal will let the experts catch anything wrong in real time.
Fast andVast suck!!!!!!! Try Dutch passion. Iv never did them on the in door. I did do a fast an vast out door an only got 5gs. But was good tho. Not really all that good