I need your help please (be gentle)

Or put them in a window inside. They will do better than that lignts in a window somewhere. I got some in a window for the hell of it and they're ripping
Heres my kids water boots with GSC in a cold window but they're getting warmth from the house at least for a grow comp I'm in. Lol
I suggest nabbing a cheap Mars TS600 panel for now. You can always add another or more powerful down the line. Pretty good deal what with the FX rate at the min too. I can only echo @St. Tom advice, I would go for a fresh start. Chalk in up to experience and pop another bean or 2. We've all lost seeds and sadly plants along the way, onwards and upwards! The TS600 in action

I suggest nabbing a cheap Mars TS600 panel for now. You can always add another or more powerful down the line. Pretty good deal what with the FX rate at the min too. I can only echo @St. Tom advice, I would go for a fresh start. Chalk in up to experience and pop another bean or 2. We've all lost seeds and sadly plants along the way, onwards and upwards! The TS600 in action

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Great advice also! Or a ts 1000 if u got the extra bux. I got a ts1000 and shes nice and bright. Dimmable and daisy chainable.
there really is a lot more to this than just putting a seed in the dirt.
Restart when you have the appropriate equipment.
Most of us have probably tried to grow indoor on a shoestring budget... tent, lighting, soil etc can be a huge expense

Hello, maybe this isn't for me then. I spent £20 on 3 seeds for this (failed) experiment. Other than that, it's cost me a bit of time and a bit of electricity. To be honest, I don't think my wife would be too thrilled if I were to invest in lights and equipment for this purpose. All I wanted was a tiny bit of weed to pop in my MFLB on Friday nights. I could go to a local dealer but thought it would be more satisfying to have grown my own.

also, i don't see any perlite in that soil

You're right. There wasn't any perlite in the soil. Just good quality compost.

Thanks everyone, for your input and advice.
Hello, maybe this isn't for me then. I spent £20 on 3 seeds for this (failed) experiment. Other than that, it's cost me a bit of time and a bit of electricity. To be honest, I don't think my wife would be too thrilled if I were to invest in lights and equipment for this purpose. All I wanted was a tiny bit of weed to pop in my MFLB on Friday nights. I could go to a local dealer but thought it would be more satisfying to have grown my own.

You're right. There wasn't any perlite in the soil. Just good quality compost.

Thanks everyone, for your input and advice.
Throw em in a window cill man. You can gro them babies out. You'll get something back in the end!
1 autocob at cobshop .net is only pulling 60 watts of power. Like a light bulb. Comes with a 5 year warranty and is usa made. Mega crop is a all in one nutrient for cheap as well. You can get like 2500 grams for 40 something bux on Amazon. Enough nutes to last you several grows. U cud grow 4 cheap to start up and cheap to run if you do it right man! Look at the autocob, megacrop, autoflower thread. Some beautiful plants r grown with tiny very bright 60 watt lights!
1 autocob at cobshop .net is only pulling 60 watts of power. Like a light bulb. Comes with a 5 year warranty and is usa made. Mega crop is a all in one nutrient for cheap as well. You can get like 2500 grams for 40 something bux on Amazon. Enough nutes to last you several grows. U cud grow 4 cheap to start up and cheap to run if you do it right man! Look at the autocob, megacrop, autoflower thread. Some beautiful plants r grown with tiny very bright 60 watt lights!
Almost went with autocobs for 4x4!