I interviewed Jeff Lowenfels & Figured This Community Would Like It

@Frankthetank thank you. @mephisto please feel free to reach out to me. I don't know how to do so on this platform. Thank you.
If you would like I just posted a comment on your spot I think it would be good to have on ur show someone like me or @NastyN8te, @freeflow, @St. Tom normal every day auto growers if they would like to anyway then mephisto @Dinafemmark @autoseeds and ask similar ? ect. There are lots of great growers hear both photo and auto so it would really show your viewers that autoflower are on par with photo plants. Anyway I love giving back to the cannabis community as whole so if I can be any help @ all just put an @ symbol in front of my name (@Fitzy) and that will tag me so I see it