Indoor I have a Problem with my Automazar, maybe someone can help?

  • Thread starter Thread starter darkpat
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Good morning from Germany,

I have a Problem with one of my few days old Automazar. The leaves looks dottet, she got light green, allmost white spots all over the leaves.
My Settting is 250 CFL daylight
Soil (good one) Startersoil mixed with Coco
PH around 6 to maybe sometimes seven but i try to avoid it. I only got testing Liquid for the PH.
I water with oxyginated water (Oxygen Pills), no fert untill now

I made me some osier Water, hope i translated that right, like a tea from osier Tree parts, there are a lot of root hormones in it.

I looked at the "complete guide to sick plants" site, and the only pic what look similar to my Problem, is "Thrips Larvae" you can fin the Pics in allmost the middle of the page, but more down, there is written :Picture 1 is Thrip damage
Picture 2 is Thrip Larvae (Picture Contributed by: Flatt)

I looked under the leaves but cant find nothing no mites no animals, but maybe the larvae is in the soil, i dont know that, never had thrips before, it lookes SIMILAR but not 100 %, you can check that with my pics i uploaded in this thread...
Maybe i should fert a bit, maybe 10% dose of normal dose or 5 %, just a bit, but they are so small, i will not do it if anyone says here that that is the wrong way. just thinking bout :-)
Greetz Dark

I germed first two seeds, and three days later the rest of my package, one died, I dont know why, and one looks also a bit sick but its so small, i will wait with this one.

Now i will try to upload the Pics from the AM with the strange leaves PICT0044.jpgPICT0045.jpgPICT0046.jpg

Hope it worked. I say thank you for any help or hint and i hope you all can understand my english i am a little bit out of practice.
Nice regards, Dark
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hello Dark,

you may want to try watering just with bottled pure water while they are small. Maybe the oxygen tablets are putting other un-necessary minerals into the water (sodium, potassium ?). While the plants are small they should be able to get all the nutrients they need from the soil. Be sure not to over-water them, keep it simple, and good luck my friend !
I also recomend skipping the oxygen tabs - just don't see the need. Auto Mazar is a tough plant that will thrive under basic conditions. I start my Mazars on Florannova grow nutes on day 21 when they typically show sex.
Thanks for your help. And shit, the one Pot with that plant in it, felt down, i really dont know how that could happen, not deep (what a luck) i hope that was not too mucg stress, the Autos are so sensible for stress, . OK I will water with rain or plain water now, we`ll see what will happens.
Thanks Pat
im thinkin your problem is in the oxygen tabs u r useing. when u add oxygen to ur water it will raise ur ph. after that oxegen is depleted in your media ur ph will be what it started at before u added the oxygen tabs. if u want to add oxygen to ur solution u should mix ur nutes and ph ur water first then buble it not oxygen tabs. since u dont need nutes for a couple weeks id say just ph ur water then use that for a couple days to see how that works for u then after u see the results from that then try phing then bublin ur water for at least 25 hours
I also recomend skipping the oxygen tabs - just don't see the need. Auto Mazar is a tough plant that will thrive under basic conditions. I start my Mazars on Florannova grow nutes on day 21 when they typically show sex.

Hi, I bought the tabs because i read in german forum that the one which use them are just getting better roots. Also does not one of the other plants showed any signs,only this one. But its so or so, empty, last pill has been used.
I hadmy Probs with the Automazar, and now again, 5 of 7 are still alive, the other one died just after they came out of the soil. I must write to tony from dp to tell him about...i promissed that.
the 2 seeds i germed first doing good now, i think the plant will recover and the spots will vanish, but thanks all for your help, and i will see what the other 3 AM will do,
Bye Pat
Hello again

unfortunately i still got no answe what that "Light strange Spots" on my plant could be. The plant is doing good, grows fine but i just wanna know what it could be. Unfortunately 2 of my plants died, or better say, didnt made it out of the soil. so I got 5 left, they all get the same water but only this one shgows these spots, so i dont believe that it depends on the oxy tabs i used.i am sure that someone knows what that could be, maybe genetical, maybe IDK...but the plant does good, grows and dont show any necrotic spots or stuff. I will post some Pics if i got the time for it, new ones then you can see, so stay tuned if you are interested.
Right now i am too busy, also got some outdoor stuff to take care about, and its time to seee whats goin on there. Got clones out, the grow like crazy, allready 1.70 meter and far away from blooming stretch
is that normal how big tall can a clone get mostly indika, they are taller then the mothers i grewed indoor.
Bye Pat
One more try

I made some new Pics of the Automayar with the strange Spots on the leaves, the plant is now about ten dazs old and she grows pretty well. PICT0046.jpgPICT0047.jpgPICT0048.jpgPICT0049.jpgPICT0050.jpgPICT0051.jpg

I made a folder open for everyone, there are some infos to the pics.

I didnt used these oxygene Pills anymore, but i dont think that that was the Prob cause if, then every plant would have these spots, but thez dont. I didnt use fertilizer, only water, i tried to fert with a very very small dose maybe 10 or 5 % from the normal dose but they showed signs of overfertilization the edges of the leaves rolled up a bit so i stopped.

I looked for bugs, mites and other freeloaders, but nothing, maybe it have something to do with the coco i mixed in the starter soil, IDK

2 died, 5 to go, the first 2 I germed was the seeds what looked not so good 4 me, but these are the best and fastest plants, the other ones are 5 days behind, some doing OK, one is a bit too small but we`ll see what will happen.

I`ll plant em in a corn field, best way to let em have longest sun, in my guerilla bush where i got my clones, they get maybe 6-7 hours of full sun a day....untill today, i dezimited the bush a bit , hell of a work but maybe one more hour of sun.

For the Germans here, i guess we`ll have the same shitty summer like last year, so I hope for a good and long Autumn, it rained now (or was totaly cloudy and cold ) for allmost 6 weeks (like last year) so i decided to wait with my Automazar untill now, sure i could have planted em much earlier to have 2 harvests but i dont wanna ruin my holy AM seeeds with that shitty German summer, like brandon said, "it cannnot allways rain" (movie fans do now 100 % know which movie i am talking bout, 4 the Rest "The Crow" (part 1 for sure)

I will post pics and infos as much as i can, so if anyone interested in my AM outdoor grow, or Lava clone Photoplant grow in a fucking bush with lot of thorns (wounds and scratches every 3 days) you are invited to read, i apreciate every hint, help, or tip from you , and you and you too :-)

OK some more Info. No Bugs or mites, i checked that first. No fertilizer like i said, one AM (the one on the Pic) is 10 cm "tall"(4 inches) and got 7 nodes . I am still a rooky after 3 years of growing but....lets say an advanced rooky. I check my PH as good as i can with liquid test, try to stay between 6 and 7 ph.
No other plant got this spots but they got all the same setting,soil,water and light, so maybe its a genetic thing, i hope its not a kind of desease cause i dont know nothing about hemp deseases, and spot here spot there, this plant grows best in my opinion.
If there are any questions i willl answer as good as i can, you probably detected that english is not my first language. :-)

OK here are the Pics and Info and please, if anyone can tell me what that could be, i would be very glad.
wish you all a good harvest, , lot of fun (and work, cause no pain no gain) and a good smoke.
The cops i wish an EMP bang what crushes helis and drones and some kind of sickness what can only be healed with a goood smoke a day,
bye the way, i am looking 4 a time machine, not that expensive i am a poor guy, just wanna go back in time and kick some ass, (Anslinger, Hearst)...get u some infos about these two names from google if you dont know why, its VERY INTERESTING what words can do damage even if they have been spoken allmost 80 years ago.

i am starting to talk to much (again) so i will end this now.
Greetz, Dark