Indoor I got the Blues.....


Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
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Welcome to the world, little ones!
Blueberry by Fast buds
Newberry by TT
Blueberry Cheese by Dinafem
Blueberry Slushy by Rocbud
JimmyJacks by TT
Ghost toof by Mephisto

I believe all these have blueberry in the lineage except the Rocbuc, but hey, it get in on name alone.

Seeds were planted Saturday directly in promix premium for walmart. Spray daily to keep the surface wet, all were up this morning.
They will be feed with megacrop by the gram in 3:1 OR to tap water, giving me a starting ppm of 110. We have supper hard water here. Hopefully with that starting ppm, i wll not run into any cal deficiencies. Going try & ditch the ppm meter and feed strictly by the gram. I've seen a few brother here doing that with great success, and i hope to be one of them. Hopefully i can cut in some sweet candy, as i cut down the MC down the road, but we'll see.

Set-up is my converted rubbermaid shed in COLD garage with lizard heating pad & and Elevated Lighting Co Series 3+full spec 250w for heat. Supplement light is a 2" Agromax Pure UV-love it! Humidifier also since our rh is 10%, and 4" inline to suck out all the humidity, i mean smell.
And away we go......
You're going to love the Newberry. She had great vigor and got to be a decent size as well. I have a Jimmyjacks around day 25 and looking forward to see how the blueberry comes through. Looking forward to see how your grow goes, you have some great plants going!
So it's been 9 days since they popped up into the world. The Dinafem blue cheese didn't make it. Instead of the taproot growing down into the soil, it was pushing the little plant up. It was weird, but there was almost a 1/2 inch of taproot exposed above the soil. I culled & replanted. The 2nd is looking better. I also decided to add a solo cup. Since i'd already be mixing the Megacrop, i figured what the hell. She popped up last Wed the 16th. She is a purple punch from Fastbuds.

Girls were given their 2nd watering yesterday. 2g of MC in a gallon, ph'd to 6.3.

toof decay & blueberry slushy

Newberry, blueberry, Jimmy Jacks & Bluecheese
Well crap. The humidifier malfunctioned last night, and there was water dripping off everything this morning including the Series 3+full spec 250w. Like a lot of water. It has since stopped working :( Damn it was barely a year old. Luckily i have one of their 165w demon boards as a back up. Was planning on using it this summer when its hot, as it will put out less heat then the 250, but looks like it's getting an early start. We'll see how it goes.
Here we are on day 15. All but the jimmy jacks & new berry received their 3rd feeding of 2g MC per gal. The two tt's just received straight water because it looked like there was a bit of clawing going on. Funny how plants receiving the same feeding act differently. The TT's are showing nitro tox, but the Fastbuds Blueberry looks a little yellow & hungry to me. I believe i can push her a little harder next feeding. She also is starting to develop rust spots on the leaves, so I am going to have to break down & order cal mag.
Here is the blueberry. new growth is looking yellowish to me, you can see the rust on the back lower leaf-kind of.

Here are the two TT, Newberry, then Jimmy Jacks(topped today)


And the family shot.
Here we are at 4 weeks & girls are growing.
Most have started to flower. Those were just fed 3g of MC & .5g per gal.
The others just got 2gMC per gal.
The poor fastbuds blueberry is just not looking good. Light green and covered in rust spots. Find it hard that she has lock out from 2g per gal. The purple punch in solo is also looking hungry. Maybe the Fast buds are just more hungry. IDK.
Ghost toof & Newberry:

Purple Punch by Fastbuds:

tucked in the back, Dinafem Blue cheese auto, Jimmy Jacks & Blueberry Slushy. The little baby in the solo is the new Fastbuds Amnesia Skittles.
Little update, they are really starting to take off. They were feed 2.5g of MC & .5g sweet candy, and still look hungry too me. Some of the plants look too yellow. Tomorrow they'll get fed 2.75mc & .75 SC, then I go out of town Wed-Sun so I hope theyll be alive when I get back. I bought some blumat watering spike, so i am going to load a bucket with some water & hope for the best while i am gone.
here is fastbuds purple punch.

back left is newberry, back right is ghostoof, front left blueberry slushy, the big yellow one is the fastbuds blueberry, the baby in solo is the new fast buds amnesia skittles.

family shot
Happy Easter everyone, and WHOOOHOOOO they survived the 5 days I was gone. Well most did, I don't think the FB Blueberry is going to make it.
They are alive but very hungry. The blumat kept them alive while i was gone, but they are all pretty yellow do to the fact that it was just ph'd water. Now that I know the blumats work, next time I'll try to it with a MC solution, and maybe they'll look a little better upon return. But in all truth, I am just happy they are alive!!! They were all just fed 4g mc & 1g sweet candy per gal, so hopefully they bounce back.

Scentwise, the Newberry is stealing the show. She smells like the blueberry muffins from the costco bakery.

Newberry bud shot

Toofdecay starting to bud up.

The blueberry slushy is probably the frostiest so far.

Bluecheese is a few week behind the rest, bud shooting up.

JimmyJacks is a close 2nd in the frost category. She may be the greenest of the bunch after 5days of only water.

And while too yellow, the fastbuds purple punch is hanging in there!
1st ever solo cup.

Purple punch bud shot.

Now for the bad, the fast buds blueberry. I don't think she's going to make it.
Starved & major deficiencies, but she's still trying to bud!

So everyone seems to be recovered from my missed feedings during vacation, except the Fast buds. I culled the blueberry as she was just not looking good and i needed space for the humidifier. The fastbuds purple punch is still looking yellow too. Last couple feeding for all have been 5g MC & 1g SC. It's starting to smell really good in there.