"Hydroponically grown Cannabis is less flavorful compared to soil grown."

Personally, I can't taste the difference in taste of any type or strain of weed, whether I grow it myself, or get it from a dispensary in my state or other legal states. They all taste the same to me. I've probably grown 15 different strains. Smell of cured marijuana is another thing. They almost all smell different, spice, pine, berries, citrus endless smells. But when it comes to smoking they are all the same, I can't tell the difference for the most part.

What I don't get is that back in the 70's and 80's weed seemed to have a different smell when smoked. But I can't seem to identify that smell when I smoke now. Might be just old age.
THIS!I bought a pre roll a month ago and it smelled like strawberry banana and thought this is gonna be good.Zero smell and taste.Taste and smelled like a cigarette.Back in the day flower pretty much tasted like it smelled.If I vape it...it tastes great and like it smells.But if I combust it rarely tates like it smells.I hope growing my own puts the good tate back in it because I love rolling up a fatty and enjoying the taste and just sitting there enjoying it.If not vape it is.
Big, corporate grows don't give a damn about trichromes, they only care about production. Most go by X numbers of weeks and chop, close enough.... And some states have such a glut of weed, your probably buying last years crop!

THIS!I bought a pre roll a month ago and it smelled like strawberry banana and thought this is gonna be good.Zero smell and taste.Taste and smelled like a cigarette.Back in the day flower pretty much tasted like it smelled.If I vape it...it tastes great and like it smells.But if I combust it rarely tates like it smells.I hope growing my own puts the good tate back in it because I love rolling up a fatty and enjoying the taste and just sitting there enjoying it.If not vape it is.
Your 70s weed might have been aged so there are terpenes you can only get after aging. @Doug58 maybe you should get a vaporizer. I'd recommend an arizer solo. Maybe be able to taste better vapor.com had the silver one on sale for 50bux with coupon code. Ask @Fermented_Fruitz @Kyote @Mara Cachafa what that think of theirs. Definitely what you grow in affects flavor I've grown the same cut indoor and outdoor flavor is different so also it might have been where the bud was grown in the 70s.
Organics has one advantage, it's simplicity, make a good mix, add water, watch them grow!
Exactly. Which is why I am using living soil in my soon to start grow. If it works, I will kiss the salt nutes good bye. I don't need high yield - as long as the plants stay reasonably healthy, I will get more bud than my dearest and I need. :pighug:
It certainly could be true, and could have been more relevant in the past, but I think what is truer and more relevant today is "commercial grown cannabis is less flavorful than home-grown cannabis."

Flavor is due to terpenes and flavonoids, and the primary focus is usually on growth, yield, and potency (THC/CBD) metrics. The general commercial trend has been and will likely continue to be more THC:


It certainly could be true, and could have been more relevant in the past, but I think what is truer and more relevant today is "commercial grown cannabis is less flavorful than home-grown cannabis."

Flavor is due to terpenes and flavonoids, and the primary focus is usually on growth, yield, and potency (THC/CBD) metrics. The general commercial trend has been and will likely continue to be more THC:

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Fascinating information, thanks for posting. Where is the data from?

As to the home grown vs. commercial, I recently tried two sativa (so called) strains from a couple local dispensaries just to see how I reacted to the most sativa strains on offer. One of the two was the harshest vape on my throat that I have ever experienced. I did not realize how bad that issue could be. The other is not as harsh, but as to effects, meh. Neither is a potent as my Mephisto 24 Carat, and I did not get anything like the happy giggles etc. advertised. Pretty much an expensive failed experiment at ~$15/gram, and likely the last one for quite a while. My home grown is looking pretty good. :biggrin:
THIS!I bought a pre roll a month ago and it smelled like strawberry banana and thought this is gonna be good.Zero smell and taste.Taste and smelled like a cigarette.Back in the day flower pretty much tasted like it smelled.If I vape it...it tastes great and like it smells.But if I combust it rarely tates like it smells.I hope growing my own puts the good tate back in it because I love rolling up a fatty and enjoying the taste and just sitting there enjoying it.If not vape it is.

Ya if a strain doesn't have enough terpe/resin your not gonna taste it while it burns. That's my opinion it needs to be really potent in trichomes that is loaded with oil and flavor. Sometimes vaping can screw up your love for burnt taste once you get the pure flavor so that might be it to. Try adding good kief/oil to the j for more flavor
Fascinating paper, well worth a read. One of the most interesting aspects is that it separates sensimilla as a category, and most of the change in potency over time is due to the shift in the market from lower grade non-sensimilla weed to flowers only product. According to the detailed information, the increase in potency of sensimilla only has been modest, ~3% or so. Given the potential errors with confiscated weed, namely that the stuff analysed was often from grow ops not yet mature, I am left with the impression that the real increase in THC over the years has been overstated somewhat. Good sensimilla has likely always been high in THC, but that grade of product was simply not on the market in the early years analysed. THC content has no doubt increased thanks to breeding, and CBD reduced, but the data is weak as to exactly how strong this trend has been over recent decades.

Thanks kindly for posting the data and the article link. :pighug:
most of the change in potency over time is due to the shift in the market from lower grade non-sensimilla weed to flowers only product. According to the detailed information, the increase in potency of sensimilla only has been modest, ~3% or so.
I'll admit I didn't read it in detail...just looked at the pretty pictures :rofl:

I'm glad someone else read it so I didn't have to! :woohoo: