Outdoor Hydro Gel

Oct 26, 2015
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Hi guys, I'm planning to start small guerilla grow in couple of weeks, and due to location, I'll not be able to water my plant more than once in 2-3 weeks, so I plan to use hydro gel, this will be my first grow, and I have no experience. What's your thoughts on hydrogel? I saw this video too, maybe I'll use this method.
Diapers contain a moister absorbant material that holds water and I have heard of people using it for outside grows.
I am planning to do fully organic grow, with some oldschool methods, I will use manure as fertilizer, and egg and banana in evry hole about meter deep, and content of 1 diaper per plant. I hope that will be good eough for some decent yield.
Godd luck to ya.You can also pile some mulch around the plants to hold the moisture in .
Purchase some real water polymer crystals, yes there is a difference between using the ones in diapers and the ones intended for growing with.
Dude, you should invest in polymer crystals and not bother with diapers. When you apply them first soak them in the water so they can expand and absorb it. Then you mix 2-3g of EXPANDED crystals to 2-3 liters of soil (or whatever is recommended on the package) so you can mix it right while it is expanded to get better insight about absorption i.e. to see how much you should mix in the soil. Also add some mulch for moisture of the whole soil as Mr @namvet25 pointed out! ;)
It will asure that the roots expand in the first 25% of the depth in the hole i.e. the roots will use all the soil available while stretching all the way to the mulched surface :)

They should help with water and moisture issues. Good luck! :D