Week 8 update.
Everybody seems happy and healthy. Mrs. SlownLow was starting to complain about it smelling like a roadkill skunk's asshole, so I went and built a tent. The only thing I had to buy was the panda film, everything else was wood from pallets that I tore apart. I think it turned out pretty good considering that, and it only cost me $25. It's 3x4x7. Its the perfect size for six of my seven gallon fabric pots.
Sweet Nurse [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] (the weird one). She got a little bit of defoliation a few days ago just to open her up a some.
I'll probably take off more of the lower fans in a week or two. I just wanted to get her some more light penetration.
I didnt want to stress her too much, though. I'm still nervous she may hermy on me.
HBSS. She's been left all natural. I havent seen much of a reason to mess with her.
Im 95% sure the brown spots on the lower fan leaves are light burn from getting water droplets on the leaves when I watered.
HBSS main cola. Im pretty stoked about how shes doing.
Sweet Nurse [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Shes been defoliated a little and opened up to allow for more light penetration.
A look at the new tent. I used scrap pieces of panda film at the bottom and its really bugging me
because its looks janky, but I saved enough to build a small mother tent in the future.
I may still go back and clean it up after this run...
The 10/20 trays have peppers in them for this years garden. There's a mix of super hots and sweet peppers.
I ended up taking one of them out after this picture and putting a fan in there on the floor until I can get a small wall mount fan.