Hubbabubbabear Yellowing


Cultivators Club
Apr 27, 2020
Reaction score
Hi- any help appreciated. The plant started yellowing during stretch lower down but whole plant now has a much lighter colour with random leaves looking like the removed ones (these were from quite high up)

I have had yellowing during stretch and early flower before, but seemed to get past it and assumed it was growing pains. On this plant it is getting worse. I am using Biobizz range and following their schedule.

I assumed it was a bit of a nitrogen deficiency but now not sure. There could have been some light issue (didn't move the light up quick enough during stretch). Now i am perplexed. Magesium? I've been adding some cal/mag last few feeds but no different. She does really perk up when she gets the plant magic foliar but i need to stop that as flowering

I think my watering schedule is ok- i use fabric pots to i wait till light then water to run off, Sundays they get a biosys tea and thursdays plant magic.
I check the ph (and have checked the pen) using biobizz ph down
Temp consistent and good. Rh generally good but did dip a few weeks ago during a cold snap
I have been googling and a fair few people seem to get yellowing with biobizz at flowering stage so wondering is Epsom salts or even a pk boost might help? Any thoughts would be really appreciated- this plant had a very tough birth and has recovered amazingly (i have a diary on Mephisto sub) and i don't want her to fail now!

12l fabric pot
Bio Bizz light mix (with a tickle of Ecothrive Life Cycle)
Bio Bizz nutes- Grow, bloom, Bio heaven, top max, acti vera,
Plant Magic Evolution as a weekly foliar.
Vivid LED/HLG 135w Diablo
70x70x140 tent


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I wish I could help, but I suck at diag and have nothing on your nutes!
Hopefully you can get some help.
Tag one of the mods if you don't get some help today.