New Grower "Hubba Hubba" A Mephisto project by Calabria420


SupercalafragalisticexpialaDopeshit !
Jan 6, 2015
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What up my fellow ganja enthusiasts ! here is my first ever Mephisto genetics grow, and im sure as you might of guessed by the name of my thread ill be documenting on two Hubbabubbasmelloscopes ! wish me luck and tyvm to those following !
Same grow space, in the tub/shower of our basement washroom which is about 2 x 4.5 feet and about 7 feet high same equiptment for air circ., 18" oscillating fan and 110 cfm washroom exhaust fan .

Lighting will be one Kind led L300, and another replica Apollo style led like the Kind, having the same spectrum and specs.
Right now the replica is being used to finish off the auto bbk grow I got finishing soon but it will be added to the hbss grow in the next 10 -14 days . both hbss were germed in glass of water for 18 hours and then transferred to paper towel zip-loc bag method till tails sprouted then planted . Nute regime will be Green Planet Medi one and Liquid W8 for veg stage and a combination of those with massive bloom formulation and Finisher for flower stage & Pro-cal for cal mag supplementation.

Hbss #1 has a bit of a story ....its at day 21 and I
might start her over , 2 things kinda screwd her , first off I used some old isabelles miracle mix I had left over mixed with about 20 % perlite and 3 tablespoons of lime. I may have packed way too much/too hard in its 3 gallon smart pot not leaving much space for the roots to grow properly . and to top things off she had trouble shedding her shell which I carefully assisted her with after 2 days of not shedding on its own . so that being said she started slow and looks mutated but I decided to give her a few more days chance before I just pop a new bean . shes only been fed plain phd tap water as of yet because of her size , but I might try her on a mild dose of medi one next feeding..

Hbss #1 Day 21

is at day 8 and doing great so far , she is in a 3 gallon root pouch in Pro-mix bx mycorrhizae with 20 % added perlite. shes been fed distilled water twice in very little amounts until today she got about 500 ml plain phd tap water at 6,2-6.3 ph.... if she takes well to it , I may feed her half strength medi one next watering. :peace: & respect to all and thanks for looking in :jointman:

Hbss#2 Day 8

Both Mephisto bambinos
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Hbss # 1 Day 24 ( the stunted one , I calls her )
Fed her nutes last night for the first time . she got 1 litre of water with 1.25 ml of Medione and .75 ml of liquid w8 which would be at half strength according to the green planet medione feed schedule. Ph downed to 6.5 after everything mixed up . Hopefully it helps her out because if I don't see any action by the time I harvest my bbk I'll just start fresh bean and probably toss her .
Hbss # 1 Day 24

Hbss # 2 Day 11 , just gave her first light feed today 500 ml of water with . 3 ml of medi one @ quarter strength, mixed up then ph downed her to 6.2-6.3 since this one is in a soil less medium . As far as Ive read around here on AFN that would be the correct/best range to feed growing in pro mix . She seems like she's taking nicely so far , she might be a bit droopy but that's cause the lights are going off in half hour .... Thanks for looking in friends ! One love :jointman:and :karmacloud: to everyone ! :peace:Respect

Hbss # 2 Day 11

Ah, here you are buddy. My hbss is around day 10 it can be the twin of your #2!

#1 may just have been an unlucky bean my first walter white had the same problem breaking out of its seed casing an looked slightly mutated!... but i was cold hearted and pulled her straight out lol

Hopefully your kinder nature pays off and she produces for you.
Best of luck buddy i'll be following
she had trouble shedding her shell

I still get that often. Often it seems to be caused by letting the shell get dry. If you can keep that shell moist and soft it will slide off easier.

I hope you let them both grow. A smaller Hubbabubbasmelloscope is a good thing. I just chopped an ounce of leaves off mine to try to keep it manageable at day 44. It wants to be 1 meter wide and 1 meter tall!