HSO Blue Dream Auto Seedling Weirdness


Oct 3, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Face Off OG & Durban Poison
Problem: Seedling is considerably less developed than it's tent-mate started at the same time, with different leaf shape, color and texture.

Medium/grow method: Growstone (GS-2 Mix This! size) rinsed & PH adjusted substrate in 2 gallon Hempy Bucket.

Feed: and supplements used: .6ml ArmorSi/7gMaxiBloom/6mlCaliMagic/.6ml Mammoth P per gallon of water

water source: Tap water set out to breathe overnight then PH'd to 5.8 after nute additions.

Strain/age: HSO Blue Dream Auto - Day 8 from breaking surface. Day 4 of nutes.

light used: 2x55W Autocobs. One over each plant, 30" from top of the pot. 18/6 light schedule.

Climate: RH 45-55%, temps 70-75.

Additional info: So this particular seedling is one of two, same strain, same age. This seedling emerged first and stretched much more than her sister right from the start. Her first true leaves are much shorter and blunter than her sister's, and her development has been quite a bit slower as well. She's still struggling to get her second set of leaves going, but her sister (known as "Righty") is already on her third and looking nice, normal and robust. The texture of Lefty's leaves is also different - crinkled and somewhat leathery, and there is a subtle white mottling that kinda reminds me of what the very beginning of mosaic virus looks like in my cucumber plants. She's gotten the exact same everything as her sister right from the start, so I'm not sure what's up here. Any advice?


Hey man,

I'm growing 3 of these now, one was a bit runty it seemed and had some pheno differences (slightly different leaf structure). I wouldn't worry to much about it, all three are going strong right now. The outlier will probably finish behind the other two but only time will really tell. Also, these were super responsive and easy to LST. Goodluck!

Hey man,

I'm growing 3 of these now, one was a bit runty it seemed and had some pheno differences (slightly different leaf structure). I wouldn't worry to much about it, all three are going strong right now. The outlier will probably finish behind the other two but only time will really tell. Also, these were super responsive and easy to LST. Goodluck!


Hey man - good to know. I'm sure there's some different pheno action going on, but the leaf texture and pale marbling (that I couldn't get a decent pic of due to the lighting) has me a little perplexed. I wish the pics showed it better - it's white enough to notice with the naked eye, at least. But fair enough, I suppose I might as well give it another week or so to see if it does anything else. Just had me concerned it was some sort of viral issue. How far along are yours? Do you have a journal up? It'd be nice to follow along.
I don't have a formal journal, but I am updating an infirmary post as an informal journal. I haven't been snapping the BDs but I will now :pass:
They are about four weeks from sticking a seed into a rapid rooter.
:toke:.... I'd say it's just a somewhat inferior seedling,... not all are going to be winners! This is one reason why breeders start so many seeds at once,.. vitality selection starts right away :coffee:..... as $ paying growers, we can hope each seed is solid, but in truth, it's a dice roll,... She might be a slow starter, but end up growing well enough down the line, only time will tell!
I vote keep her going, I'm selfishly curious to see how she turns out tbt

@budelee any variability in your HSO BD seedlings? Check or fold?