New Grower How well do they grow?

Sep 5, 2013
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Hello everyone,

hope you're all doing and growing well. I'm thinking about an auto grow outdoors in pots using sunlight only? My geographical location enables me to have some sunlight everyday even during winters, where temperature rarely drops below 5-10 degrees celcius.

I'd appreciate answers and further information on my questions below:
  • How well do Autos grow outdoors?
  • How many hours of direct/indirect sunlight is needed?
  • Best time of the year to start an outdoors auto grow?
  • Would the supplementation of artificial lighting be necessary?

Thank you for your time,

Hey..i grew out a Barney farm Auto Blue mammoth this summer outdoor in a limited light situation. The plant got around 8 hours of direct sun starting at 11am to 7pm. The total yield was 100grams of very fine bud after a 100day harvest.
Hey..i grew out a Barney farm Auto Blue mammoth this summer outdoor in a limited light situation. The plant got around 8 hours of direct sun starting at 11am to 7pm. The total yield was 100grams of very fine bud after a 100day harvest.

Good to hear. Was just going through the massive amounts of info on your other threads. Mind a PM?
I did a bunch of autos outside this last summer, they all turned out pretty good. Theres pics in my thread if you can find it....
I mean I want to start them now.. not in the summertime. Asking if that would be possible/efficient?
I mean I want to start them now.. not in the summertime. Asking if that would be possible/efficient?
Even through the intensity of the sun is far less in winter than summer, I still would think it would far surpass indoor lighting systems. I would still think the plants would have to be introduced to sunlight if started under artificial. If you want maximum growth, utilize full sun available then move them under led's or hps.
If I was plating only one crop a year than planting at beginning of June would be the best time. Out doors they do great. There is no minimum light really out side but the more the better. If not enough light than you could end up with fluffy buds and plants that stretch but should still end ok. Summer time will produce better than winter though.
What is the minimum temperature an outdoor marijuana plant can withhold?
I grow autos in a greenhouse from mid April to late Sept. in my area. Like any plant, the more hours of sun the better! You'll want at least 8 hours direct light. You'll want day time temps in the 20's before you put them out. I've had some excellent auto harvests from outdoor plants. That's strain dependent as far as yield goes and your skills. Start your first crop indoor 3-4 weeks before your ready to put them outside. You could possibly manage 3 - 4 harvest in a year.

Hello everyone,

hope you're all doing and growing well. I'm thinking about an auto grow outdoors in pots using sunlight only? My geographical location enables me to have some sunlight everyday even during winters, where temperature rarely drops below 5-10 degrees celcius.

I'd appreciate answers and further information on my questions below:
  • How well do Autos grow outdoors?
  • How many hours of direct/indirect sunlight is needed?
  • Best time of the year to start an outdoors auto grow?
  • Would the supplementation of artificial lighting be necessary?

Thank you for your time,
