Nutrients How to use these nutrients, please.

thanks you all! i will end up ordering some mega crop for my self, and my friend will too after he finishes these bottles. jusdt wanted to make sure we used them properly. thanks again!
We are trying to learn more abut using these part A (NPK-Ca-Mg) + part B (other elements) nutes. We have not been able to find the manufacturer of these nutes, so we come again to you fellas we some more questions.

can we prepare a single weekly stock solution (i think that is the name, pardon my english) with these 2 part nutes so that all we have to do for the daily feeds is just take a portion of that single stock solution and just pH it and then feed it to the plants?

we've been preparing the feeding every day, but it's time consuming and vacations are nearing their end. We just use 800 ml of water per day.
So we were thinking of preparing a single stock solution of 5,000-7,000 ml which already is at our weekly desired EC and keep in a dark, dry place... then each day take out of it the 800-1000ml we use normally/daily and just pH it then feed. would this work?

but we keep reading that some incompatible ingredients will precipitate when mixed and wont be available for the plant, but not sure if these nutes we are using will interact that way.

thanks in advance for your patience with us, any input is appreciated as well.